Grand Bay area residents are worried that they been lied to over and over again by their elected official. Commissioner Mike Dean who represents the area on the Mobile County Commission has been promising the citizens of the Grand Bay area that he will do whatever he can to fix their bad dirt roads, but has the commissioner delivered on his promises? The answer is no!
Commissioner Dean has promised over a period of time that the County will do what it can to fix the bad dirt roads. Because of those bad dirt roads Grand Bay area residents has lost their children school bus transportation to school, mail service and their garbage pickup could be next. Would commissioner Dean want to live like that, I don’t think so. Now Commissioner Dean is blaming the problem on the State, and advocating that it is a private road and the state has give the county permission to perform work on the road with allocated funds. Dean says as long as it comes with its own funding, he's all for it.
As county commissioner, Dean and State Rep. Collier need to work together to solve this issue with its residents on whatever level it takes to make sure that the citizens in South Mobile County receive its share of tax dollars to repair their roads and improve their community living conditions.