
Friday, May 9, 2008

Session still leads in money for Alabama US Senate race

Figures is raising some money, but is it enough?

State Sen. Vivian Davis Figures, D-Mobile, ramped up her fundraising during the first quarter of this year, but remained at a stark financial disadvantage in her bid to replace incumbent U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Mobile, according to the latest disclosure reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.

From the beginning of January until the end of March, Figures raised almost $108,300, or more than double her receipts for the preceding three months. She spent about $101,600, to finish with some $44,600.

But that final total was dwarfed by the approximately $4 million that remained in Sessions' campaign account by the end of last month. During the first quarter, the two-term U.S. senator brought in about $400,500 and spent some $319,300.

Other candidates for US Senate- Townsend and Gavin officially jumped into the U.S. Senate race early this month after the reporting period ended. In his report, Swanson said he raised almost $16,700 while spending about $16,200 to end the reporting period with close to $900. Senators serve six-year terms and currently make $169,300 annually.