Trump wasn’t on his famous TV show on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, a interview between CNN TV Host Wolf
Blitzer and Billionaire Donald Trump became very heated.

On Tuesday Trump claimed he agreed to the
"Situation Room" interview to talk about jobs, China and OPEC;
Blitzer said there were no such ground rules.
Blitzer then presented Trump with Obama's birth
announcements that ran in Hawaiian newspapers.
Trump is quoted saying "Can you stop defending
Obama?"The interview went to to say…….
Donald, you're beginning to sound a little ridiculous, I have to tell you.
You are, Wolf. Let me tell you something, I think you sound ridiculous, and if
you'd ask me a question and let me answer it
So were Blitzer was trying to take this debate that got
so heated? And why did Trump a billionaire and so called presidential candidate
that never ran off the just media attention he always stir up get into this
heated debate?
It seems that Wolf Blitzer has been for some time now,
trying to get Trump to explain why he keep promoting and debating that
President Obama is not a U.S. born citizen, when in fact he has a U.S. (State)
Birth Certificate from Hawaii. Trump who once jumped on the band wagon that he
would be a candidate for President has stirred this individual debate from the
beginning and want present satisfying reasons to why he still believes Obama is
not a U.S. born citizen.