
Saturday, November 10, 2012

It’s a Wake up Call for Republicans in Alabama; Reclaiming Alabama in 2014 is Democrats Priority

Republican shouldn't be so happy

With the national elections now over, the focus turns to the Mid-terms where there will be many more offices up for election from local County races to U.S. Senate races. We all remember that in 2010 Republicans swept majority in many races even to take back control of congress. Well all I have to say to the Republicans is they shouldn’t be so happy, but instead be worried. It’s not their majority to hang on to for long. All of their political outraged and extreme politics is about to blow up in their faces, and you will see many long faces with shameful elephant tears.

On Tuesday I laughed, yes indeed I laughed all night till I fell asleep, and it was a laughter of joy for what America said on election night 2012, I laughed at that donkey that danced in the streets across the country, not because he won and declared victory, but because he defeated the extreme huge elephant that tried to destroy this country and our rights to fair democracy.

Oh yeah the extremist has been trying hard with much hate and determination to end the presidency of our great President Barack Obama, they vowed with heart to make him a one term President, but it failed.  Oh they really showed their true colors, whom they really are what they really believe.  We have learned that the Republicans want to suppress the vote as they did in the 1950’s or as far back as we can remember, we know that they don’t want Latinos and Hispanics participating in the election process, they don’t even want them in this country, they have no love for women rights, and they want the poor and middle class to break their backs for the wealthy. The Republicans don’t want the wealthiest Americans to pay more in taxes to support this country. That must change!

Quoted from the, Alabama Democratic Party chairman Mark Kennedy declared President Barack Obama's re-election on Tuesday as "a great victory not just for Democrats but for us all." Kennedy said that Americans, in rejecting Republican challenger Mitt Romney, "embraced building a bright future for all, instead of just for a few, and rejected the ugly politics of division."

After Tuesday elections it time for minorities, such as Blacks, Latinos, Hispanics, Women, College students, Poor and Middle Class citizens in Alabama to take a stand against this extreme political agenda that is trying to raid us of our rights. If you don’t take a stand now they will put a neck chocker on us and drag us and we will forever be in poverty and under the table. Well if we don’t want that to last it’s time for us to stand up and fight for what we believe. 

Alabama Democratic Party Chairman Mark Kennedy also believes that the returns on Tuesday showed a signal of change is on the way.  “Republican leaders have abdicated their responsibilities and focused their time and energy on petty politics and political games.” He told

Yes Democrats was eager to win Alabama back on Tuesday, especially in Jefferson County where Democrats sweep every judicial race on the ballot.  Republicans goals are to take every office they can from us Democrats as possible any way they can.

 When I look at the political map after Tuesday elections, there are some counties in Alabama that will be in play in 2014, not only in play but we as Democrats must turn out the vote in a larger number in 2014. We was close you all, I mean close but the get out the vote effort must be much more serious in 2014.

Below I listed a list of Counties and who we did and what we lost by, in many of these counties when I see 40% or more in election returns it shows strength, and I think of those votes that are not counted because they didn’t vote. If we turn the votes out in a larger number in these counties we have a chance to do some damage in 2014. The following county has been declared my hot bed for all blue alerts.  If we turn out the vote in these counties we can take back Alabama in 2014.

1.       Mobile, did you think Mobile would be on this list? 45% for DEMS fell short by only 10%
2.       Monroe, 46% for DEMS fell short by only 833 votes
3.       Clarke, 46% lost this county only 1,146 votes
4.       Jefferson, 47% lost this county by 6%
5.       Chambers, 47% lost this county by only 743 votes
6.       Pickens, 46% lost this county by only 671 votes
7.       Coosa County, 42% lost this county by 849 votes
8.       Butler County, 46% lost this county by 714 votes
9.       Pike County, 43% lost this county by 1,930 votes
10.   Tuscaloosa, 41% lost this county by 9%
11.   Madison, this county is still in play losing it by 10%

There is some work to be done and the work should begin today as you read this post. Democrats must focus on one theme, unity and getting out the vote. Voter registration will be a key to a victory in these counties for Democrats.

We have to adopt a new voter education strategy to educate minorities, blacks, women, college students, poor and the middle class working families in Alabama. Traditional politics must be the thing of the past and we must move to a more moderate style of politics in Alabama, but in those democrat strong holds we have to be more progressive and dominate.  We have to establish an identity in all areas of the state and especially these counties mention above. Showing interest in the voters and citizens in these counties is a must, like more one on one campaigning, door to door and political education.

Turning out the vote in 2014 is our key for success. Alabama Republicans leaders are no different from those of the national GOP and their counterparts. These big elephants have endorsed every extreme Republican agenda and they want to impose it on the citizens of Alabama in a secret way.

Since taking control of the legislature in Alabama in 2010 the Republicans have not made any serious if any attempts for bi-partisan leadership to get the most important issues solved for Alabama. Instead they cut services for needed families, working families, education, and left our state employees with less. They cut jobs and we are losing more jobs on top of the jobs they have cut.  They want to paint this serious picture if they are getting the job done, and that we are better off under their leadership but we are not we are worst. Democrats, women, minorities, poor and middle class families we are not un-educated and we need to prove that in 2014.

Together if we stand as one and fight together we can take Alabama back from the extreme right wing party. Visit our FaceBook page and Like us