
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Democratic National Convention Opens Today in Charlotte

The Democratic National Convention opens their national nominating convention today amid polls that continue to show a very close race for the White House between President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

Last week the Republicans held their convention in Tampa, FL with a visit from Issac. There was music on the streets and food on the grill in downtown Charlotte Monday, as Democratic delegates and party activists came together in a kind of giant block party.

Democrats will formally open their nominating convention Tuesday with speeches by first lady Michelle Obama and Julian Castro, the mayor of San Antonio, Texas. Castro will give the convention keynote address, a speech that will lay out the main party themes for the week.

The convention will build to a climax on Thursday when President Obama will give his formal acceptance speech before a large crowd in a football stadium and the millions more watching on television around the country.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is serving as convention chairman. He says the three days of speeches will serve to rally Democrats behind Obama's re-election bid.

President Obama is hoping to make this convention a positive for his campaign and the Democratic ticket in November.

 Many who attend and watch this convention by the Democrats will see that they have a choice for leadership that will hold America back or leadership that will continue to move America forward.

Delegates also will hear from former president Bill Clinton, who remains enormously popular within the party, as well as numerous governors, senators, members of Congress and local officials.