
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First lady Michelle Obama shines at the DNC

The Democrats kickoff their convention on yesterday with inspiring speakers that showcased what America really looks like.

First Lady Michelle Obama
If you missed First Lady Michelle Obama’s inspiring convention speech last night, it is well worth looking up online this morning. I really can’t say it any better than she said it herself. The speech was more than just personal story of the American Dream as experienced by one family; it laid out a vision for what we owe each other as American citizens.

As Michelle said about her husband: He believes that when you’ve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity … you do not slam it shut behind you…you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.

This belief is fundamentally different than what the Republican ticket has to offer. As president, Mitt Romney would slam the door of opportunity shut for students by slashing Head Start and Pell Grant funding. He would slam the door shut for seniors by ending Medicare and gutting Social Security. And Romney made his fortune at Bain Capital by sending opportunity overseas and slamming economic doors shut for American workers.

The Obamas know what it is like to come from humble beginnings. They paid off student loans, as opposed to the Romneys, who lived off stock options while in school. These things matter when selecting a leader. It is difficult to alleviate struggle and hardship if you have never experienced struggle or hardship. Working families need a president who will expand access to the American Dream by making smart investments in education and job creation. That President is Barack Obama.

This week you will see the many differences between the Republicans and Democrats, as the Democrats make their case on national TV to many voters and citizens across this country.