
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Alabama GOP Chairman send a message back to Sen. Vivian Figures

Chairman Armistead says "We don't vote for our elected officials based on race."

Ala. Sen. Vivian Figures - D
The fuel between Sen. Vivian Figures of Mobile and the Alabama Republican Party has gotten a little hot between the two. State Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead is calling on Democratic Sen. Vivian Davis Figures to apologize for remarks made Tuesday in which she said she believed racism has played a role in the rise to dominance of the
state GOP.

Sen.  Figures spoke to a crowd at Over the Mountain Democrats at a Homewood Library just outside of Birmingham. Sen. Figures stated that the election and subsequent re-election of President Barack Obama triggered a backlash by white Alabamians that allowed the state's Republican Party to capture overwhelming control of the Alabama Legislature in 2010 in addition to defeating the last Democrat to hold a statewide office that same year, Lucy Baxley, then president of the Alabama Public Service Commission.

Sen. Figures continue on with "It seems to me that once Obama was elected we started hearing the Republicans attack him on almost everything he tried to do, especially in health care," said Figures. "We started hearing Republicans in office and Republicans running for office attacking the federal government, charging the federal government had suddenly become intrusive in our lives, that it was overreaching into our places of business and into our homes. And with every charge they made they used Obama's name."

But here is what the fuel is all about "I think it's racism. At its core I just do," said Figures. The question I have is whether Sen. Figures were telling the truth. Well the answer is yes, I agree because Republicans came out like wild hogs on the loose in 2010, proclaiming their mission is to take it all back for the people; speaking to their core constituents. They used every issue on a national level to get what they wanted on a local level and to this day doing the same thing.  

AL GOP - Chairman Bill Armistead
Well Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead believes the State Senator who is now the minority leader in the Senate owes them a apology. "Sen. Figures owes Alabama Republicans an apology for her offensive remarks accusing us of racism," said Armistead on Wednesday.  Chairman Armistead confirmed what Figures stated to the Over the Mountain Democrats.  "Alabama opposes the liberal policies being put in place by Obama's administration, especially the so-called Affordable Care Act. ” Armistead is referring to what they call OBAMACARE – yeah! Only majority of the conservatives and republican constituents opposes the legislation not the entire state.  

On Wednesday Alabama Republican Chairman Bill Armistead stated in his statement he released "We don't vote for our elected officials based on race, but based on their policies," said Armistead. Well Mr. GOP Chairman, the policies that liberals and Democrats represent are the policies that will help the average citizens, small businesses, education, healthcare for all, and reject special interest. It’s clear that Republicans don’t have the interest of the average citizens in mind, they only represent those that have and not needing and wants those that have not to continue to suffer and slave.  It’s clear that Republican don’t want to talk about race – period. They try and avoid it at all cost.