
Monday, July 22, 2013

Are Republicans the Christians they portray to be?

In today’s generation and society we are seeing the true light of representation from Republicans, and the road that is de-touring our lives back to the civil rights era of this country. Sometimes it makes us as ordinary average citizens wonder is there a way forward and if so are we moving forward?

Over the last decade there is no secret in the beliefs of certain politicians namely Republicans or the Tea Party that is seeking to take over the Republican establishment and the political system of this country. We know by now that Republicans seek to deprive the average American that have not and can’t afford to have the right to fairness and equal justice. There is no doubt that Republicans interest and heart is with those that have and can afford to have.

Today when we look at the actions of the Republican party and its politicians, even the laws and legislation that they put forth and pass in congress and states legislatures , it don’t represent biblical beliefs and I don’t believe God is happy or agree with their actions. Republicans portray to be Christians that is symbolic to Christ, but that not so and don’t you as an average American be fooled by the propaganda that they put forth and portray.  They can afford to spread that message and brain wash you with that type of message, because they have the resources to do so; and the Republicans believe they can brain wash you just as they have did many others over decades with lies and untruth.

It’s not a secret that Republicans have turned their backs on the American people. It’s no secret that Republicans belief is that if you are not one of us, not in name of the party but the color of the skin, they are not concerned about you. That evidence is proven itself daily.

When the average citizen, Democrat, or Politician began to have a discussion about race, the Republicans run and they run fast. They do not want a real conversation about race, because the issue is against them and not for them. Remember who the Republican is made of. Wealthy White Americans, White Americans that’s a Republican because they don’t believe their American resources should go to poor, black or minority citizens. A majority of white citizens of this country vote Republican because of the same idea, and their policies reflect the same.   

There is a difference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. You may ask how? Well if you look at the makeup of the Republican, it is made up of 90% or more of white Americans. And the small percentage of blacks that join the group is just lost souls that seek to be friends with enemy.  They say and do whatever they are told to get by and be what they want.

Don’t be fooled by the words and talking points of the Republican Party, that they represent America; because in reality they don’t. The last time I check, America is made up of all colors and lifestyles and not a select few. They want you to believe that they represent all of you when they only represent a few.

Since the verdict of George Zimmerman, Republicans have come out in support of the verdict. But I’m not surprised because they support Zimmerman all along. It shows that Republicans believe in killing innocent people, when the bible tells us not to kill. That is one of the Ten Commandments isn’t it? Oh maybe they forgot and took it out. But these are the Christians that represent you in public office. How can you be a Christian when you believe in killing people?  Protesters who set up camp in the state Capitol building earlier this week finally got to meet with Gov. Rick Scott late Thursday, and they urged him to push for the repeal of Florida's "stand-your-ground" law and to take steps to combat racial profiling. A Lord behold Republican Gov. Rick Scott reject them, and agreed with sin once again that killing innocent people is right. What happen to those Christian values Gov. Scott? Maybe you didn’t have any all along.

Joining Gov. Rick Scott agreeing that it is okay to kill is Republican Congressman Andy Harris of Maryland along with many others. Republicans are fighting hard to protect the rights of gun owners that unlawfully use them. When we need gun control to end senseless gun violence, Republicans stands in the way and says no.  Republican controlled legislatures and Governors in over 30 states has passed legislation on stand your ground, basically giving their citizens the right to kill for anything. Only a few is going to get away with it, but if you are black you will be justified in court and sentenced to life or maybe death.

There is no doubt that race is not a factor in this country. African Americans are still being judged by the color of our skin and the content of our character. African Americans are being profiled by the color of their skin and the content of their character. When will it end? Are we in the 21st Century are still in 50’s.  Republicans have also voted to take away the key part of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, why would they want to do this if they say we are past the 50’s. Are we really Chief Justice Roberts? Republicans don’t want citizens of color to cast a vote or be heard in America.

Just another note on is Republicans really Christians. Over the past week or so, did you know that Republicans voted in congress to remove Food Stamps from the farm bill for the first time in history? Republicans want to destroy and take away food stamps from needy families in America.  Last time I recalled and I don’t think it changed in the Bible when it tells us to feed the poor. Maybe the Republicans haven’t read their bibles, and just continue to portray themselves as Christians.  Another Ten Commandment says thou shall not steal, Republicans you are stilling from the poor. Did Republicans overlook that Commandment?

I could go on and on, about the incompetence of Republicans when it comes to legislating and governing. Their wisdom and understanding is below the basic belief of themselves, and don’t deserve to represent the American people. They are continuing to destroy America, seeking to provide for the wealthy that already have and continue to be in agreement of sin. 

Now is the time for the poor, black and minorities in this country to stand up and take a stand and fight back for what’s right. This broken and un-repaired highway will never change until you repair it. It’s time to lay a new foundation that reflects America and what our fore-fathers founded it to be.

When will be unite as one America and come together in peace and provide fair and equal justice? When will real leaders come forward and take a stand for the American people? When will the Republican party come to their right mind and know that killing, stealing and lying is a sin? Don’t be fooled by these crooked politicians; stand up and fight for what’s right, because it’s your right.