
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Judge Vance out raises Judge Roy Moore in Chief Justice race

With the race for Chief Justice just a few weeks away, Democratic Judge Robert Vance pulls ahead of former Chief Justice Roy Moore in campaign cash.

Judge Robert "Bob" Vance
Judge Robert Vance only has been in the race less than 60 days after replacing attorney Harry Lyons on the ballot by the Alabama Democratic Party.  This race is clearly a race on leadership.  Jefferson County Circuit Judge Robert Vance, Jr. has $433,910 in his campaign coffers going into the peak of campaign season. Moore has only $192,894.

Moore's largest September contributors included $25,000 from Pete Hana of Hana Steel, $10,000 from Tuscaloosa developer Stan Pate and $20,000 from Michael Peroutka, who was the Constitution Party candidate for president in 2004, according to campaign reports filed today. 

Vance's larger individual donations included $5,000 from T Michael and Gillian Goodrich; $5,000 from the law firm of Heninger, Garrison and Davis LLC and $7,500 from Franklin PAC, which received money from a Birmingham lawyer and other sources.

Voters and Citizens of Alabama remember Roy Moore for his controversial stand and refusal to remove the Ten Commandments monument from the Supreme Court building. And he was ousted from office.

Visit Judge Robert Moore campaign at