
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Why is the Mayor and Council races in Prichard so Critical on Oct. 23rd?

With the election for a new mayor and council in Prichard just a over a week away. Many people don’t see or understand the importance of this election and how critical it is for the struggling city and its needs.

The theme of this campaign city wide should be “NO MORE, NO MORE, and NO MORE.” With the ever failing city that’s on the blink of collapse, people seems to be backing up and moving away from change instead of embracing change.  Well to me it hurts so badly, to see how people can go outside of their city and embrace change or the territory that represent as a leader. When you have your own people struggling to survive, its makes me wonder do they really care about their city and its people or the constituents they represent.

What happened to the courage, the fighting spirit and hope that once lived in the lives of our forefathers?  Is that courage, fighting spirit and hope still alive today? It makes you believe that it’s not in so many ways. I’m going to take you through some of those ways today.

I want you to just sit and think for a minute as you read this post wherever you are. Is the City of Prichard where you would like it to be as a city to call home and do business? Is your community the community that you want to call home? Are you receiving the best in quality of life from the City of Prichard? Is the leadership being honest with you in the aspects of City business and affairs?

In the past few weeks I have noticed that very little of our community leaders, pastors, and elected officials that live in and represent the City of Prichard and whom seeks your support when it’s their time, have not come out and said who they support or do they support change that represent the should be campaign theme NO MORE.

It’s time out for playing these crooked politics that ends up in backroom deals and handshakes for political favors and a pat on the back.

Now over the past eight years, honestly so many promises have been made and fewer accomplishments and then you have just poor leadership in place to move the City of Prichard forward. It’s simple the status quo has to go in order to embrace change for the better. It’s year in and year out and campaign after the next where they champion the success of their administrations and actions, however they don’t try to fix the much needed problems within the city, and that makes you wonder why not, or do they even care about its citizens.

There is a problem in Prichard, and it’s not with the citizens it’s with the leadership and those that supposedly be representing the people of this struggling city. The citizens and businesses of Prichard want more and they want better. How can an administration or elected official ask the citizens and businesses to invest in a city that is not investing in itself.

Take a ride through Prichard, and you can look at the city for yourself and know that they the City of Prichard are not getting what it deserves. The infrastructure and image of this city is terrible. I have walked through the districts of this city and have heard complaints from the citizens to know they are not happy and want better themselves. The communities are in bad shape, drainage and sidewalks are fading away and much environmental concerns arise when you see the ditches and waterways in the city and communities. The street lighting and streets needs overdue repairs. The blight of abandon homes is outrageous, and come to find out the City of Prichard Housing Authority owns a majority of them. A couple of elderly citizens complained to me that the City of Prichard want even come out and clean around the houses or fix the abandon properties, which causes a problem for their property and residence. Now is that leadership?

When you take a ride down Wilson Ave, a district that can be the thriving sources for businesses in the City as it once was; you will find yourself on a bumpy ride. That’s how bad the streets are on Wilson Ave and others. So where is the leadership?

But here it is the current mayor Ron Davis and his hand pecked supporters have went around the city to purchase small bill boards that no one else have seem to invest in to advertise on and post up campaign lies to deter the voters or just keep them from the polls as such as the false campaign lies on the green mailers he and his supporters continue to put out.

This the status quo mayor that has made many promises and have delivered on a few, I give him that credit but on the other hand has failed the city that he promise to bring back to life. He lives in a community where a bad environmental odor has taken over, and as mayor has failed to help the citizens until a local Eight Mile Community Citizen Association step forward and seek answers and help. The status quo mayor has sit and watch the water and sewer rates rise over the past (8) years under his watch and has not come out in support of lower rates until the citizens become outraged and nearly voted him out of office in the first of election on September 11th. Now he is campaigning with lies once again and putting it on his opponent, as if his opponent is the problem.

A once thriving Prichard Business district along Wilson Ave has been torn down instead of rebuilt. Crime and drugs in the city has taken its toile on the city and the citizens are just tired. Look at the former Greer’s shopping center off Hwy 45, that center that could be one of the City most thriving center’s has faded away and the parking lot is just terrible. Now you can’t tell me that is effective and positive leadership.

Last but not least, the mayor has hired and pays the city attorneys more pay than the city employees will ever make. Have the city employees even gotten a raise?  And then don’t forget the retiree’s pension fund. Oh, the money those city attorneys is making off the citizens back, should be going toward the retirees pension fund. The mayor takes credit for solution with allowing the retirees to draw some of their due benefits, but it was Councilman Troy Ephriam that proposed and fought for the retirees to get their needed and due payments that is still underfunded, and on the other hand the current status quo mayor proposed to re-enter the City into bankruptcy because he didn’t want to pay the retirees any payments. Now that’s the truth.

The Mayor has found money to do so many other things that he desire and his friends desire, but could and still can’t find any money to pay the retirees their fair share or make the much needed repairs that the city needs.

But this is the most serious part of this critical election, the question of where are the leaders that wanted to represent you the citizens of Prichard? Where is that leader that is currently representing you in various offices? Is they concerned and care about you and the struggling city that they claim to represent and wanted to represent.

It time and time again that the people elect those that neglect their constituents once they are elected, and start playing that if you are not in my political camp then HELL with you.

Yeah I am talking about that State Representative you elected, State Senator, Council person, and even that County Commission that represents Prichard. They all claim to be working together for the better. They all have not come out publicly to say whom they support or do they support change for the better of Prichard. Um, that’s a serious question in a critical election as this. Those same representatives campaigned year and year on promises of change as well, and that they want a better Prichard.

I even find out that the former mayor Charles Harden has endorsed and is currently supporting Mayor Ron Davis in the run-off election, after he has run for the same seat three times against Ron Davis…lol. Is he serious? He campaigned over the past 8 years that Ron Davis has failed the city. Now all of a sudden he is doing a great job, because Charles Harden may be looking for a job.

Former candidate Teresa Fox Bettis, have not come out to support either candidate to my knowledge after she lost handily. This is another former candidate that campaign to the citizens on change and a better Prichard. But now have gone to the sidelines with a silent voice. What happened to the hope and change?

And the candidate that I once believe was doing a great job and standing up for the citizens, has gone silent and to the sidelines as well. Severia Campbell Morris the candidate that raised so many concerns about the high water and sewer rates and personally said she think the city needs new leadership have found herself in a un-disclosed corner. Was she promised a political favor or scared of the political backlash. I don’t think her supporters are.

Are all of these so called representatives and once want to be leaders who they say they are? Some that I have not mentioned are concerned about their campaigns in the next couple of years. Like the House District 98 race, Senate District 33 race and County Commission District 1 race which all share the city of Prichard. They are afraid of the political backlash and how it will affect their races and endorsements come their next election in 2014. But you remember all of those that are in office now have campaign on change and better of the City of Prichard, because they all believe it’s the crossroads of Mobile County.

You don’t see either of them out publicly endorsing a candidate or embarrassing change. Some have gone all the way to Charlotte to embrace change, when their own city and communities in their own districts are struggling and trying to embrace change and move forward.

Now many question my motive for this posting, however no there is no need to question my motive. Because here it is, it’s simple and to the point. It’s because I care about Prichard and its citizens. I want to see the once thriving city return to where it once stood on positive standings. It’s time out for the lying to citizens and depriving the citizens of their votes and support on false hope. The citizens of Prichard are hurting and they are hungry for change and they have been lied to so many times and their votes have been taken for granted over and over again. The status quo must go.

The citizens of Prichard deserve better and they deserve more. The citizens of Prichard deserve a clean and safe community and community with the best of Quality of Life. The young people of the city deserve more activities and programs to help them advance their lives. The seniors of the city deserve more day programs and activities. The city of Prichard should embrace and support its educational opportunities for the students of the city. Prichard should also be in the business of supporting businesses and not running businesses away. The City of Prichard should be in business of recruiting quality jobs for its citizens and working class families.

This election is critical and the people of Prichard cannot continue to receive poor leadership. This type of leadership has those that desire to vote, not want to cause of they feel it’s not worth casting a vote for the same ole politics and leadership. And we wonder why out voter turnout is low and why our young people want get involved in the political process. What a role model that is.

You take the time and think, is this the Prichard you want to see or do you want to see a better Prichard.  My answer is that, the Status Quo is not going to get a better Prichard.  The NO MORE, NO MORE, and NO MORE have to rise above it all. Hope and Change have to come alive once again at home before it can happen abroad.

Citizens of Prichard don’t be deterred or discouraged, get out to vote on October 23, 2012 for change.