What will the story be to this, from those tied to
Mayor Davis Administration & Campaign?
Several complaints have been filed with the General Counsel on the State Ethics Commission and the Attorney General Office alleging campaign election law violations by the City of Prichard Police Chief Jimmie Gardner, city employees and the current mayor Ron Davis Campaign, who is currently seeking re-election on Tuesday.
The complaint filed with the State Agencies alleges that a vehicle driven, owned and issued by the city government was parked in front of the campaign headquarters of Ron Davis on Wilson Ave in Prichard, Alabama. Also the complaint alleges that a person seen in the photos provided are those of the Police Chief himself preparing a campaign tent for an event on the rear end of the campaign building and property, wearing blue clothing.

There are answers that have to be provided not only by Prichard Police Chief but Mayor Ron Davis himself. This is not just a complaint that looks as if someone is just making up to make news, but it looks as though it is facts and someone needs to talk. A citizen that has requested to keep his name anonymous has submitted photos to support his claims alleged in his complaint. In the news release the anonymous citizen states that he seen the Chief at the campaign headquarters preparing the tent and he decided to stop and take a photo for proof to support his claim.
According to state law it is a violation of the State Code of Ethics and Campaign Election laws. No city employee should be assembling any campaign equipment or material for a candidate or in this case the Mayor that is up for re-election.
What is so surprising to all this is Chief Gardner will have to answer to why the city issued vehicle that is issued to him for his use is parked on the property or Ron Davis Campaign headquarters at the time. The tag number is simply the answer to whom the vehicle belongs to, so he can’t argue that he wasn’t there. What lie will this team come up with now, just days before the election?
Pursuant to Section 17-1-4 Code of Alabama, City employees cannot be engaged in political activities while performing the business of the City and on duty. Allegedly, the City of Prichard is financially, strapped and citizens want to know why the City of Prichard’s taxpayers have to pay for on-duty workers doing political work for Mayor Ron Davis, an elected official, whose fiscal accountability has been less than desirable.
Section 17-1-4, Code of Alabama 1975, allows municipal employees the right to participate in municipal elections. To be a candidate, the employee must take an unpaid leave of absence or use personal leave or compensatory time. Employees who violate this provision must be dismissed. Employees may not use public funds or property for political activity. AGO 1993-00108. Supervisors may not coerce employees to campaign. Employees who campaign must do so on their own time.
Chief Gardner was not and is not on unpaid leave of absence or have not used personal leave or compensatory time. The law simply states above that any employee who violate this provision must be dismissed.
Based on Section 17-1-4, this activity is totally illegal and unethical. Someone from the mayor campaign, the mayor office and the city needs to answer to why?