
Monday, December 17, 2012

The Late Rep. Yvonne Kennedy well remembered

A pillow of our community with great Integrity and Character
More than 2,000 turned out on Saturday to mourn the death and celebrate the life of Rep. Yvonne Kennedy at the Mobile Convention Center. She was well remembered by many for the labor that she has put forth during her time here on earth, as a legislator, educator, civil and community activist.

Kennedy died on Saturday, Dec. 8, after a brief illness at the age of 67 at a Birmingham Hospital, according to family members. As a Democrat, Rep. Kennedy represented Mobile County, part of the 97th District, in the Alabama House of Representatives from 1979 until her death.
Mobile Mayor Sam Jones, Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman, Sen. Bobby Singleton,
Gov. Robert Bentley, and many others spoke of the late Rep. Yvonne Kennedy.

Rep. Yvonne Kennedy will be well missed in the Mobile area and Campground community. She will also be missed in the Montgomery where she fought hard for her community and district.

Yvonne Kennedy is survived by her brother, Joe L. Kennedy of Milwaukee, and two sisters, Floretta K. Moore of Mobile, and Brenda J. Kennedy of Montgomery.

Well done servant!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Alabamians did not cancel Lucy Baxely; Republicans just out numbered Democratic voters in this past election

In an article running today in many Sunday papers ran and owned by Advance Media, a group of Republican owners and journalists continue to try and down grade Democratic politics in Alabama with their negative and coded articles.

This is the type of action I am willing to stand up against and fight, because the media have to long told too many fairytales and not so much of the true. It’s time for fair and balanced news and information.

Hon. Lucy Baxely - D
Lucy Baxely has served his great State of Alabama for a very long time, this awesome and educated woman of character and integrity have held several elected offices, becoming Alabama first female Lt. Governor, State Treasurer and then President of the Public Service Commission.  Lucy Baxely not only became famous in politics by the slogan “I love Lucy” but by her ability to serve with honesty and for the people.

Lucy Baxely is 74 years of age yes indeed and ran a article today saying that Baxely career came to an end at 74. Well Lucy Baxely career didn’t come to an end, I strongly believe that Lucy Baxely will still be a access and player in Alabama politics in the future, whether it’s in their media room or not.

Republican Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh, only won with just 54% of the vote statewide. That’s a message that it was a close race by far not a landslide in reality. If the voters of Alabama really knew what Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh stand for and her primary goal is, I really believe the election results would have been much different. The fact that Democrats did not do a well unified voter education campaign this past election, and there was very little campaigning for the great Lucy Baxely, she lost this race.

Baxely didn’t lose because Alabama canceled her and her politics. Twinkle Cavanaugh simply won because her party turned out the vote. The partisan politics by media must stop and we as  whole hearted Democrats must stand up and fight this type of information.  Baxely always ran a great campaign and she has always stood up for the poor and middle class. And that’s why she is not there today, because Twinkle falls in the back pockets of special interest and the extreme Republicans. She will be a rubber stamp for the special interest and never an advocate for the poor and middle class. The false hope that they portray on the campaign trail is that of phony politics to get them elected. But the truth is they too are just another back pocket republican to the special interest that seeks to make it harder for the average Alabamian, whether you are black, white, Hispanic, a college student, women or men, religious or not.

We love you Lucy Baxely, you served us well! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

It’s a Wake up Call for Republicans in Alabama; Reclaiming Alabama in 2014 is Democrats Priority

Republican shouldn't be so happy

With the national elections now over, the focus turns to the Mid-terms where there will be many more offices up for election from local County races to U.S. Senate races. We all remember that in 2010 Republicans swept majority in many races even to take back control of congress. Well all I have to say to the Republicans is they shouldn’t be so happy, but instead be worried. It’s not their majority to hang on to for long. All of their political outraged and extreme politics is about to blow up in their faces, and you will see many long faces with shameful elephant tears.

On Tuesday I laughed, yes indeed I laughed all night till I fell asleep, and it was a laughter of joy for what America said on election night 2012, I laughed at that donkey that danced in the streets across the country, not because he won and declared victory, but because he defeated the extreme huge elephant that tried to destroy this country and our rights to fair democracy.

Oh yeah the extremist has been trying hard with much hate and determination to end the presidency of our great President Barack Obama, they vowed with heart to make him a one term President, but it failed.  Oh they really showed their true colors, whom they really are what they really believe.  We have learned that the Republicans want to suppress the vote as they did in the 1950’s or as far back as we can remember, we know that they don’t want Latinos and Hispanics participating in the election process, they don’t even want them in this country, they have no love for women rights, and they want the poor and middle class to break their backs for the wealthy. The Republicans don’t want the wealthiest Americans to pay more in taxes to support this country. That must change!

Quoted from the, Alabama Democratic Party chairman Mark Kennedy declared President Barack Obama's re-election on Tuesday as "a great victory not just for Democrats but for us all." Kennedy said that Americans, in rejecting Republican challenger Mitt Romney, "embraced building a bright future for all, instead of just for a few, and rejected the ugly politics of division."

After Tuesday elections it time for minorities, such as Blacks, Latinos, Hispanics, Women, College students, Poor and Middle Class citizens in Alabama to take a stand against this extreme political agenda that is trying to raid us of our rights. If you don’t take a stand now they will put a neck chocker on us and drag us and we will forever be in poverty and under the table. Well if we don’t want that to last it’s time for us to stand up and fight for what we believe. 

Alabama Democratic Party Chairman Mark Kennedy also believes that the returns on Tuesday showed a signal of change is on the way.  “Republican leaders have abdicated their responsibilities and focused their time and energy on petty politics and political games.” He told

Yes Democrats was eager to win Alabama back on Tuesday, especially in Jefferson County where Democrats sweep every judicial race on the ballot.  Republicans goals are to take every office they can from us Democrats as possible any way they can.

 When I look at the political map after Tuesday elections, there are some counties in Alabama that will be in play in 2014, not only in play but we as Democrats must turn out the vote in a larger number in 2014. We was close you all, I mean close but the get out the vote effort must be much more serious in 2014.

Below I listed a list of Counties and who we did and what we lost by, in many of these counties when I see 40% or more in election returns it shows strength, and I think of those votes that are not counted because they didn’t vote. If we turn the votes out in a larger number in these counties we have a chance to do some damage in 2014. The following county has been declared my hot bed for all blue alerts.  If we turn out the vote in these counties we can take back Alabama in 2014.

1.       Mobile, did you think Mobile would be on this list? 45% for DEMS fell short by only 10%
2.       Monroe, 46% for DEMS fell short by only 833 votes
3.       Clarke, 46% lost this county only 1,146 votes
4.       Jefferson, 47% lost this county by 6%
5.       Chambers, 47% lost this county by only 743 votes
6.       Pickens, 46% lost this county by only 671 votes
7.       Coosa County, 42% lost this county by 849 votes
8.       Butler County, 46% lost this county by 714 votes
9.       Pike County, 43% lost this county by 1,930 votes
10.   Tuscaloosa, 41% lost this county by 9%
11.   Madison, this county is still in play losing it by 10%

There is some work to be done and the work should begin today as you read this post. Democrats must focus on one theme, unity and getting out the vote. Voter registration will be a key to a victory in these counties for Democrats.

We have to adopt a new voter education strategy to educate minorities, blacks, women, college students, poor and the middle class working families in Alabama. Traditional politics must be the thing of the past and we must move to a more moderate style of politics in Alabama, but in those democrat strong holds we have to be more progressive and dominate.  We have to establish an identity in all areas of the state and especially these counties mention above. Showing interest in the voters and citizens in these counties is a must, like more one on one campaigning, door to door and political education.

Turning out the vote in 2014 is our key for success. Alabama Republicans leaders are no different from those of the national GOP and their counterparts. These big elephants have endorsed every extreme Republican agenda and they want to impose it on the citizens of Alabama in a secret way.

Since taking control of the legislature in Alabama in 2010 the Republicans have not made any serious if any attempts for bi-partisan leadership to get the most important issues solved for Alabama. Instead they cut services for needed families, working families, education, and left our state employees with less. They cut jobs and we are losing more jobs on top of the jobs they have cut.  They want to paint this serious picture if they are getting the job done, and that we are better off under their leadership but we are not we are worst. Democrats, women, minorities, poor and middle class families we are not un-educated and we need to prove that in 2014.

Together if we stand as one and fight together we can take Alabama back from the extreme right wing party. Visit our FaceBook page and Like us

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

President Obama Wins A Second Term In The White House

President Barack Obama 
A changing electorate helps President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden prevail over Republican Mitt Romney and his right wing agenda. 

With a slower growing economy, and a house of rights wing conservative’s Republicans that has blocked nearly every bill of progress, our President overcame that on Tuesday night. The American people look at the progress he made in four years, and looked at the record of the Republicans and their candidates and said, we are not moving backwards but forward.

The outcome was surprisingly swift. The TV networks called the race against Republican Mitt Romney less than 20 minutes after the polls closed on the West Coast, as a succession of battleground states tipped the president's way. Except for Karl Rove who kept fighting the notion that President Obama has won re-election on FOX News. Karl Rove and all of those other billionaires that tried to buy this election is hurt this morning, to learn that their cash wasn’t good enough to buy the electorate votes.

About 90 minutes later, the former Massachusetts governor offered his concession in a phone conversation with the president.

Claiming victory before a roaring, flag-waving crowd in his hometown of Chicago, Obama summoned a bit of the poetry absent throughout much of the acrid campaign. He told supporters that the country was moving forward “because of you.”

“You reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over war and depression, the spirit that has lifted this country from the depths of despair to the great heights of hope,” he said, “the belief that while each of us will pursue our own individual dreams, we are an America family, and we rise or fall together as one nation and one people.”

Romney, standing alone on a flag-bedecked stage in Boston, spoke before Obama took the stage. Romney and Ryan had their hopes on claiming the White House so they can get in and make things better for the wealthy Americans, and destroy our middle class and poor Americans. The American people in a majority had a different opinion and they said proudly-NO to Romney/Ryan.

It’s clear that Hispanics and African Americans played a key role in the re-election of President Obama in battleground states. The changing minority population is forever changing and it help the president maintain the White House.

With all the election results in and some ballots are still being counted, President Barack Obama have enough votes to coast to another victory and will serve another four years as our President. Many Republican and Tea Party lead groups have lead operations of hate and voter suppression to keep this colored President from being re-elected. They wanted to hold true to their promise of a one term President.  These same operatives on this morning are heartbroken and sad that they didn’t win and come up with a victory, especially in battleground states where Republican lead legislatures, Governors and State Officials have tried to suppress the vote.

Voter in America had a deeper and better determination, and that was to overcome fear and hate. And embrace love and unity.

Today, we can proudly say that we are honor to have President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden leading this country.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

President Barack Obama is not the only one looking for a big election on Tuesday; Judge Robert Vance looks to pick up an important seat for Democrats in Alabama

Judge Robert Vance

November 6, 2012 is a important date to remember as we go to the polls to vote for leadership. President Barack Obama is not the only candidate looking to carry a victory on Tuesday, but here in Alabama Jefferson County Judge Robert Vance is seeking to take over the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice seat on Tuesday. If elected Judge Vance will be sign of hope for Democrats in Alabama and path to progress for our justice system.

A current Republican justice on the Alabama Supreme Court and several former justices — two of them Republican — urged voters Tuesday to vote for Democratic nominee Robert Vance for Alabama Chief Justice in the Nov. 6 election. This is a great sign of unity on both sides of the political avenues. It seems that Republicans and Democrats alike agree on real leadership.

Current sitting Justice Tom Woodall a Republican and former Acting Chief Justice Gorman Houston, also a Republican, were among those who released an open letter to voters on Tuesday encouraging voters to support Vance, a circuit judge in Jefferson County, over Republican nominee Roy Moore, a former Chief Justice. Eight other former justices announced their support for Judge Robert Vance.  Don’t count out former Associate Justice Bernard Harwood a Republican as well have given the Democratic candidate for chief justice his support.

On the Democratic side Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb and former associate justices Sam Beatty, John England, Douglas Johnstone, Janie Shores, and Mark Kennedy, who is also chairman of the Alabama Democratic Party have all endorsed Judge Robert Vance.

Judge Vance is a experienced judge out of Jefferson County, his father is well known and the federal courthouse in Birmingham bears his name. The next Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court is running against a former Chief Justice that want to reclaim a job, that he abused as Chief Justice.

Moore was ousted as Chief Justice in 2003 for refusing to obey U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson’s order that a monument of the Ten Commandments be removed from the state judicial building.

There is a clear choice in who should be the next Chief Justice of Alabama, and it’s not the Republican nominee is lagging behind in campaign cash and support Judge Roy Moore. Enter Judge Robert Vance entered into the race, he was well liked, he brought a clear choice to the race, he has leadership skills that the Supreme Court needs and he knows how to  balance leadership across  political aisles.

We don’t need to go backwards and return to the unethical leadership of Roy Moore, but move forward to provide our Justice system with balance leadership. When you see former and sitting judges endorse the Democratic nominee Judge Robert Vance in unity, it because they too know who and what is the right and clear choice.

So on Tuesday, November 6, 2012 I encourage you to get our beds and take a few minutes to stop by the polling place to cast a vote to move forward. Your vote matters and your vote do count. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Councilman Troy Ephriam defeats Mayor Ron Davis

A New Day In Prichard, Alabama

City Councilman Troy Ephriam on Tuesday won with a huge victory over Mayor Ron Davis, denying the incumbent a third term as mayor of Prichard, Alabama.

Mayor Elect Troy Ephriam

Ephriam won 67.5 percent of the vote in the head-to-head matchup. Ephriam won every precinct, with a huge popular vote.

“This is a great night for the citizens of Prichard, Alabama,” Ephriam said, “It’s a great night for hope.”

Ephriam has served on the council since 2001, when he won appointment to fill the unexpired term of his father, who had died. Ephriam believes that the time is now for the city of Prichard. He ran on a campaign theme “A New Prichard for You.”

The people and voters of Prichard has open their minds and hearts to receive that message, after the city has continued to fail under defeated mayor Ron Davis and pervious mayors.  The main concerns for the citizens was the water and sewer rates, crime, pension fund and reviving the city. Over the next four years there will be a chance for the new mayor Troy Ephriam to administer that change for the better of all people in Prichard.

City Council races decided with two incumbents defeated

The City of Prichard has seen some council contested and hard fought council races as well. And voters ousted two incumbents and replaced them with newcomers.

In the City Council runoffs, voters turned two incumbents out of office. Lorenzo Martin defeated Council President Herman Towner by a 522-395 vote in District 1, and Derrick Griffin turned out incumbent Alberta Young on a 583-363 vote in District 3.

In  District 2 incumbent Earline Martin-Harris edged Gwen Williams in tight race, a Prichard retiree who has been active in the battle over the city’s underfunded pension plan. Martin-Harris won on a 332-298 vote.
Former Councilman George McCall, Jr. defeated Donnell Hunter 455-433 for the right to replace Ephriam on the council in District 4.

The City of Prichard will see a totally new council come November 5, with a new mayor and administration.  The question now is who will preside over the council as council President?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Republican Voter Registration Contractor Arrested

Voter Registration Fraud At It Best!

A GOP voter registration contractor has just been arrested in Harrisonburg, Virginia after a local resident reported to police he had seen someone throwing a “bag of trash” in his dumpster and speeding away on Monday. The bag contained filled out and completed voter registration application forms. Colin Small (image, right), the man whom police arrested, is charged with eight felonies and five misdemeanors.

“The Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office has made an arrest in the investigation of voter registration fraud that began on the afternoon of October 15th when law enforcement received a citizen complaint of voter registration application forms being found in a dumpster behind a business in the City of Harrisonburg,” according to a press release from the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office:

Rob Johnson, a Store Manager in Harrisonburg, Virginia, reported the incident on Monday, and made this note on his Facebook page:

“I just saw a guy throw a bag of trash in my cardboard dumpster and speed off. I went to get the bag and throw it in the trash dumpster. In the bag was a folder containing FILLED OUT VIRGINIA VOTER REGISTRATION FORMS!! I called the Harrisonburg Registrars office and they sent the police who said they really didn’t know what to do in a case like this because its never happened before. The police took the forms and left. I’m really concerned because today is the last day in Virginia to register to vote and if these forms are tied up while trying to figure out what to do, will these people be allowed to vote???”

In all the recent voter suppression and attempts by Republicans their elected officials, even those that are paid by the republican party is causing the mass voter fraud in America. They are trying to put this blame on minorities and the democrats, but clearly backfired in their faces.

Voters in all states who are concerned should contact their local Registrars Office to ensure they are indeed registered to vote.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Citizen files complaint with State Agencies against Mayor Ron Davis and Chief of Police Jimmie Gardner

 What will the story be to this, from those tied to 
Mayor Davis Administration & Campaign?

With a tight election just a few days away the citizens of Prichard is seeking a change for the better, but they seem to be getting the same ole dirty politics as usual. One citizen of Prichard is demanding answers from government agencies that oversee the state laws on campaign election laws and violations. 
Several complaints have been filed with the General Counsel on the State Ethics Commission and the Attorney General Office alleging campaign election law violations by the City of Prichard Police Chief Jimmie Gardner, city employees and the current mayor Ron Davis Campaign, who is currently seeking re-election on Tuesday.

The complaint filed with the State Agencies alleges that a vehicle driven, owned and issued by the city government was parked in front of the campaign headquarters of Ron Davis on Wilson Ave in Prichard, Alabama. Also the complaint alleges that a person seen in the photos provided are those of the Police Chief himself preparing a campaign tent for an event on the rear end of the campaign building and property, wearing blue clothing. 

There are answers that have to be provided not only by Prichard Police Chief but Mayor Ron Davis himself. This is not just a complaint that looks as if someone is just making up to make news, but it looks as though it is facts and someone needs to talk. A citizen that has requested to keep his name anonymous has submitted photos to support his claims alleged in his complaint. In the news release the anonymous citizen states that he seen the Chief at the campaign headquarters preparing the tent and he decided to stop and take a photo for proof to support his claim.

According to state law it is a violation of the State Code of Ethics and Campaign Election laws. No city employee should be assembling any campaign equipment or material for a candidate or in this case the Mayor that is up for re-election.

What is so surprising to all this is Chief Gardner will have to answer to why the city issued vehicle that is issued to him for his use is parked on the property or Ron Davis Campaign headquarters at the time. The tag number is simply the answer to whom the vehicle belongs to, so he can’t argue that he wasn’t there. What lie will this team come up with now, just days before the election?

Pursuant to Section 17-1-4 Code of Alabama, City employees cannot be engaged in political activities while performing the business of the City and on duty. Allegedly, the City of Prichard is financially, strapped and citizens want to know why the City of Prichard’s taxpayers have to pay for on-duty workers doing political work for Mayor Ron Davis, an elected official, whose fiscal accountability has been less than desirable.

Section 17-1-4, Code of Alabama 1975, allows municipal employees the right to participate in municipal elections. To be a candidate, the employee must take an unpaid leave of absence or use personal leave or compensatory time. Employees who violate this provision must be dismissed. Employees may not use public funds or property for political activity. AGO 1993-00108. Supervisors may not coerce employees to campaign. Employees who campaign must do so on their own time.

Chief Gardner was not and is not on unpaid leave of absence or have not used personal leave or compensatory time. The law simply states above that any employee who violate this provision must be dismissed.

Based on Section 17-1-4, this activity is totally illegal and unethical. Someone from the mayor campaign, the mayor office and the city needs to answer to why?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Why is the Mayor and Council races in Prichard so Critical on Oct. 23rd?

With the election for a new mayor and council in Prichard just a over a week away. Many people don’t see or understand the importance of this election and how critical it is for the struggling city and its needs.

The theme of this campaign city wide should be “NO MORE, NO MORE, and NO MORE.” With the ever failing city that’s on the blink of collapse, people seems to be backing up and moving away from change instead of embracing change.  Well to me it hurts so badly, to see how people can go outside of their city and embrace change or the territory that represent as a leader. When you have your own people struggling to survive, its makes me wonder do they really care about their city and its people or the constituents they represent.

What happened to the courage, the fighting spirit and hope that once lived in the lives of our forefathers?  Is that courage, fighting spirit and hope still alive today? It makes you believe that it’s not in so many ways. I’m going to take you through some of those ways today.

I want you to just sit and think for a minute as you read this post wherever you are. Is the City of Prichard where you would like it to be as a city to call home and do business? Is your community the community that you want to call home? Are you receiving the best in quality of life from the City of Prichard? Is the leadership being honest with you in the aspects of City business and affairs?

In the past few weeks I have noticed that very little of our community leaders, pastors, and elected officials that live in and represent the City of Prichard and whom seeks your support when it’s their time, have not come out and said who they support or do they support change that represent the should be campaign theme NO MORE.

It’s time out for playing these crooked politics that ends up in backroom deals and handshakes for political favors and a pat on the back.

Now over the past eight years, honestly so many promises have been made and fewer accomplishments and then you have just poor leadership in place to move the City of Prichard forward. It’s simple the status quo has to go in order to embrace change for the better. It’s year in and year out and campaign after the next where they champion the success of their administrations and actions, however they don’t try to fix the much needed problems within the city, and that makes you wonder why not, or do they even care about its citizens.

There is a problem in Prichard, and it’s not with the citizens it’s with the leadership and those that supposedly be representing the people of this struggling city. The citizens and businesses of Prichard want more and they want better. How can an administration or elected official ask the citizens and businesses to invest in a city that is not investing in itself.

Take a ride through Prichard, and you can look at the city for yourself and know that they the City of Prichard are not getting what it deserves. The infrastructure and image of this city is terrible. I have walked through the districts of this city and have heard complaints from the citizens to know they are not happy and want better themselves. The communities are in bad shape, drainage and sidewalks are fading away and much environmental concerns arise when you see the ditches and waterways in the city and communities. The street lighting and streets needs overdue repairs. The blight of abandon homes is outrageous, and come to find out the City of Prichard Housing Authority owns a majority of them. A couple of elderly citizens complained to me that the City of Prichard want even come out and clean around the houses or fix the abandon properties, which causes a problem for their property and residence. Now is that leadership?

When you take a ride down Wilson Ave, a district that can be the thriving sources for businesses in the City as it once was; you will find yourself on a bumpy ride. That’s how bad the streets are on Wilson Ave and others. So where is the leadership?

But here it is the current mayor Ron Davis and his hand pecked supporters have went around the city to purchase small bill boards that no one else have seem to invest in to advertise on and post up campaign lies to deter the voters or just keep them from the polls as such as the false campaign lies on the green mailers he and his supporters continue to put out.

This the status quo mayor that has made many promises and have delivered on a few, I give him that credit but on the other hand has failed the city that he promise to bring back to life. He lives in a community where a bad environmental odor has taken over, and as mayor has failed to help the citizens until a local Eight Mile Community Citizen Association step forward and seek answers and help. The status quo mayor has sit and watch the water and sewer rates rise over the past (8) years under his watch and has not come out in support of lower rates until the citizens become outraged and nearly voted him out of office in the first of election on September 11th. Now he is campaigning with lies once again and putting it on his opponent, as if his opponent is the problem.

A once thriving Prichard Business district along Wilson Ave has been torn down instead of rebuilt. Crime and drugs in the city has taken its toile on the city and the citizens are just tired. Look at the former Greer’s shopping center off Hwy 45, that center that could be one of the City most thriving center’s has faded away and the parking lot is just terrible. Now you can’t tell me that is effective and positive leadership.

Last but not least, the mayor has hired and pays the city attorneys more pay than the city employees will ever make. Have the city employees even gotten a raise?  And then don’t forget the retiree’s pension fund. Oh, the money those city attorneys is making off the citizens back, should be going toward the retirees pension fund. The mayor takes credit for solution with allowing the retirees to draw some of their due benefits, but it was Councilman Troy Ephriam that proposed and fought for the retirees to get their needed and due payments that is still underfunded, and on the other hand the current status quo mayor proposed to re-enter the City into bankruptcy because he didn’t want to pay the retirees any payments. Now that’s the truth.

The Mayor has found money to do so many other things that he desire and his friends desire, but could and still can’t find any money to pay the retirees their fair share or make the much needed repairs that the city needs.

But this is the most serious part of this critical election, the question of where are the leaders that wanted to represent you the citizens of Prichard? Where is that leader that is currently representing you in various offices? Is they concerned and care about you and the struggling city that they claim to represent and wanted to represent.

It time and time again that the people elect those that neglect their constituents once they are elected, and start playing that if you are not in my political camp then HELL with you.

Yeah I am talking about that State Representative you elected, State Senator, Council person, and even that County Commission that represents Prichard. They all claim to be working together for the better. They all have not come out publicly to say whom they support or do they support change for the better of Prichard. Um, that’s a serious question in a critical election as this. Those same representatives campaigned year and year on promises of change as well, and that they want a better Prichard.

I even find out that the former mayor Charles Harden has endorsed and is currently supporting Mayor Ron Davis in the run-off election, after he has run for the same seat three times against Ron Davis…lol. Is he serious? He campaigned over the past 8 years that Ron Davis has failed the city. Now all of a sudden he is doing a great job, because Charles Harden may be looking for a job.

Former candidate Teresa Fox Bettis, have not come out to support either candidate to my knowledge after she lost handily. This is another former candidate that campaign to the citizens on change and a better Prichard. But now have gone to the sidelines with a silent voice. What happened to the hope and change?

And the candidate that I once believe was doing a great job and standing up for the citizens, has gone silent and to the sidelines as well. Severia Campbell Morris the candidate that raised so many concerns about the high water and sewer rates and personally said she think the city needs new leadership have found herself in a un-disclosed corner. Was she promised a political favor or scared of the political backlash. I don’t think her supporters are.

Are all of these so called representatives and once want to be leaders who they say they are? Some that I have not mentioned are concerned about their campaigns in the next couple of years. Like the House District 98 race, Senate District 33 race and County Commission District 1 race which all share the city of Prichard. They are afraid of the political backlash and how it will affect their races and endorsements come their next election in 2014. But you remember all of those that are in office now have campaign on change and better of the City of Prichard, because they all believe it’s the crossroads of Mobile County.

You don’t see either of them out publicly endorsing a candidate or embarrassing change. Some have gone all the way to Charlotte to embrace change, when their own city and communities in their own districts are struggling and trying to embrace change and move forward.

Now many question my motive for this posting, however no there is no need to question my motive. Because here it is, it’s simple and to the point. It’s because I care about Prichard and its citizens. I want to see the once thriving city return to where it once stood on positive standings. It’s time out for the lying to citizens and depriving the citizens of their votes and support on false hope. The citizens of Prichard are hurting and they are hungry for change and they have been lied to so many times and their votes have been taken for granted over and over again. The status quo must go.

The citizens of Prichard deserve better and they deserve more. The citizens of Prichard deserve a clean and safe community and community with the best of Quality of Life. The young people of the city deserve more activities and programs to help them advance their lives. The seniors of the city deserve more day programs and activities. The city of Prichard should embrace and support its educational opportunities for the students of the city. Prichard should also be in the business of supporting businesses and not running businesses away. The City of Prichard should be in business of recruiting quality jobs for its citizens and working class families.

This election is critical and the people of Prichard cannot continue to receive poor leadership. This type of leadership has those that desire to vote, not want to cause of they feel it’s not worth casting a vote for the same ole politics and leadership. And we wonder why out voter turnout is low and why our young people want get involved in the political process. What a role model that is.

You take the time and think, is this the Prichard you want to see or do you want to see a better Prichard.  My answer is that, the Status Quo is not going to get a better Prichard.  The NO MORE, NO MORE, and NO MORE have to rise above it all. Hope and Change have to come alive once again at home before it can happen abroad.

Citizens of Prichard don’t be deterred or discouraged, get out to vote on October 23, 2012 for change. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bailey Yelding win mayoral race in Daphne and makes history

In a majority white city Bailey Yelding carry the election in his favor. Bailey Yelding won by a 121-vote margin to defeat one-term City Councilman Derek Boulware.

Mayor-Elect Bailey Yelding
Bailey Yelding, a former teacher and coach, served for 11 years on the City Council before his colleagues tapped him last year for the city’s top post after Fred Small’s sudden resignation. He ran on a platform of experience and stability.

Many viewed Yelding as the wrong choice to be in that position in Daphne and yet along Baldwin County. But as we can see time is changing and people are beginning to realized there are good people in both communities.  Of the historic result, he said, “It’s phenomenal, it’s great. It (proves) the fact that this city is not racist,” he said.

“We pulled it off,” said Councilman John Lake, one of Yelding’s supporters. “I think he was the best man, and I think the people saw that.”

Moving forward, Yelding said, Daphne needs to position itself to take advantage of an Airbus plant planned for Mobile and stay ahead of expected population growth.

Yelding becomes the first black to be elected to the office of Mayor of Daphne, Alabama. 

Former Councilman James Adams wins runoff for mayor in Mount Vernon, Alabama

On August 28, the voters of Mount Vernon voted on four candidates for mayor and only two came out on top to face each other in a runoff. The city also voted out the incumbent Mayor Jerry Lundy, but James Adams who served on the City Council for four years did come out on top but not with enough votes to avoid a runoff with current councilwoman Verdell Trotter Dees.

With the runoff election now over James Adams came out with a victory. James Adams was elected Mount Vernon new mayor on yesterday by the voters of the city that was looking for change. He defeated the Verdell Trotter Dees, who was promoting her accomplishments on the City Council to help Mount Vernon move forward.

Many in Mount Vernon just didn’t buy into that platform and voted the opposite and voted for a former Council member. Now that the election is over, Adams has the charge of leading this City with a new council in place as well. The burden will be on your back to lead this city and move it forward with plans for growth that is campaigned on.

In District 2 Jeanette McGaskill defeated Linda Robbins for that Council seat

Jeanette McGaskill also making her second run for the City Council came out victorious on Tuesday, as she defeated her challenger Linda Robbins. Jeanette McGaskill won her first election on Tuesday, McGaskill will be sworn in next month along with her other new colleagues on Mount Vernon new council. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Judge Vance out raises Judge Roy Moore in Chief Justice race

With the race for Chief Justice just a few weeks away, Democratic Judge Robert Vance pulls ahead of former Chief Justice Roy Moore in campaign cash.

Judge Robert "Bob" Vance
Judge Robert Vance only has been in the race less than 60 days after replacing attorney Harry Lyons on the ballot by the Alabama Democratic Party.  This race is clearly a race on leadership.  Jefferson County Circuit Judge Robert Vance, Jr. has $433,910 in his campaign coffers going into the peak of campaign season. Moore has only $192,894.

Moore's largest September contributors included $25,000 from Pete Hana of Hana Steel, $10,000 from Tuscaloosa developer Stan Pate and $20,000 from Michael Peroutka, who was the Constitution Party candidate for president in 2004, according to campaign reports filed today. 

Vance's larger individual donations included $5,000 from T Michael and Gillian Goodrich; $5,000 from the law firm of Heninger, Garrison and Davis LLC and $7,500 from Franklin PAC, which received money from a Birmingham lawyer and other sources.

Voters and Citizens of Alabama remember Roy Moore for his controversial stand and refusal to remove the Ten Commandments monument from the Supreme Court building. And he was ousted from office.

Visit Judge Robert Moore campaign at

Democrat Lucy Baxley seeking another term as the State Public Service Commission President

Major newspapers in the State of Alabama have written off Democrats because of the recent takeover of majority of public elected offices in Alabama by Republicans. However, that’s no surprise the same major newspapers outlets been supporting Republicans all along.

PSC President Lucy Baxley
Lucy Baxley is a wonderful candidate and public servant, serving currently as the President of the Public Service Commission in Montgomery. The former Lt. Governor is working on behalf of the citizens of this state. Just image if a all republican panel take over the Public Service Commission and they favor all the big utility companies, what burden they would put on the backs of the poor and working class in Alabama.

Lucy Baxley is working to keep lower utility rates and tough regulations to protect the citizens of this state. Republicans are seeking to do away with regulations that protect the citizens. They will also vote in favor of big utility companies to raise rates on the citizens of this state.

Baxley recently told a reporter in an interview "I'm not the last Democrat," said the 74-year-old president of the Alabama Public Service Commission. "But I know I'm the last Democrat holding state office, if that's what you mean. And I know, like the buffalo, they're hunting me. She's hoping to kill off my kind."

Lucy Baxley is being challenged by Republican Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh. A 46-year-old Republican, who also is a member of the Public Service Commission.

It is indeed a race that pits two women from two different generations and two very different political ideologies, but two women who share a passion for politics and who have tangled before.

That’s why it’s important to go out and vote in large numbers on November 6, 2012. It matters!

Visit Lucy Baxley campaign online at

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mayor Ron Davis playing funny politics to try and get re-elected

The questions is can Ron Davis be trusted?

On the past week I was in Prichard and I was riding the streets of this struggling city, and I notice a couple of bill boards signs that the current mayor has put up in reference to trying to win a third term. Not only did he put up bill boards, he has published a few non-truth telling flyers.  

One of those signs is located on Prichard Lane headed to the city hall, a Route the mayor takes to work every morning to the office where he says he is going to lead the people of Prichard each day in honest leadership. But how can you lead the people in honest leadership telling lies and being dishonest?

Mayor Ron Davis 
The signs simply read that “Ron Davis is all for Lower Water Rates and Dissolving the Water and Sewer Board of Prichard, and his opponent is not; because his opponent is a sitting member of the water board.”

Not only that, Mayor Ron Davis and his campaign has released a new flyer bashing and lying about his opponent Troy Ephriam in regards to the water and sewer board. 

I wrote this article because I want the people of Prichard to know the truth and vote with your heart and the city needs. Mayor Ron Davis is getting desperate and he beginning to tell more lies than the past…point blank.

Mayor Ron Davis has never been in favor of lowering water and sewer rates, he has never came out publicly and said I am in favor of lowering the city water and sewer rates. Nor did he ever say he was in favor of dissolving the city water and sewer board. Now that the people are speaking out against it, he wants to change the tone of the race as if he is in support of lower water and sewer rates.

See what politicians like Ron Davis wants to do or think they can do is continue to lie to poor and working class citizens and take their votes for granted.

Mayor Davis has been in office now for 8 years, and he had those years to fix or correct these problems, he failed just like he failed on a number of other things.

Councilman Troy Ephriam is not a current sitting member of the water and sewer board of Prichard. And he has not sat on that board since 2008. Troy Ephriam is in support of what the citizens and businesses of Prichard want. He is not in favor of keeping the board into existence and having the burden of high water and sewer rates on the backs of citizens. Ephriam is in favor of lower water and sewer rates.

Ask mayor Ron Davis what has he done to lower your water and sewer rates over the past 8 years. Don’t be fooled by these dirty desperate politics of the status quo politicians?

Prichard it’s time for a change and a change for the betterment of Prichard.

I also took a ride down Wilson Ave, have anyone seen the four way traffic failure on Wilson Ave near the city hall, in the heart of the downtown area of the City. The current city administration has put old stop signs up for traffic control.

Can you trust mayor Ron Davis with four more years in City Hall, after all the lies, poor leadership and same ole politics?

The people of Prichard must know what is best for them, and what’s best to move the city forward.

It’s time for a new Prichard, citizens please don’t be fooled with this status quo politics. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lorenzo Martin leads in the District 1 Council race

On October 23rd, 2012 the citizens of Prichard will head back to the polls in a runoff election to cast their votes for their next Council member in District 1 of Prichard, Alabama.

The “POLITICAL BEACON “conducted a poll on the race for the City Council seat District 1 to see what the voters of District 1 have in mind. We conducted a general poll of 208 likely registered voters within District 1 from September 15-September 28 and we ask the likely voters who is their choice for their next Council member.

In the recent poll we conducted this is a tight race between both candidates, Lorenzo Martin edges out Herman Towner.

Lorenzo Martin - 44%
Herman Towner – 41%
Undecided - 15%

Lorenzo Martin is favored by 44% of the 208 likely registered voters we polled for the upcoming runoff election, with incumbent councilman Herman Towner trailing by 3 points in the most recent poll conducted by the Political Beacon.

Martin is seeking to win his first elected public office, and Herman Towner is currently a member of the City Council for the City of Prichard, which he wants to serve another term.

The Political Beacon asked whether a lack of leadership from the current council and their current council member on the environmental issue, was affecting their choice for their next council member.

Yes – 53%
No - 40%
Maybe – 7%

We also asked the likely voters if they was satisfied with the current leadership of their Council member on the City Council overall.

Yes – 39%
No – 48%
Somewhat – 13%

On October 23rd the citizens and voters of District 1 will have a chance to go out and make their case, for what is better for them.

Again this is another race where each candidate have to turn out the vote in their favor on Election Day.

The polls will open on October 23, 2012 from 7am -7pm.  You are more than welcome to call the city hall for your respective polling precinct.

Voters in Prichard favor Troy Ephraim for Mayor in new poll

The race for Prichard next mayor is on and the voters is pretty firm on who they are supporting to be the next mayor of their struggling city.

Councilman Troy Ephraim 
With the run-off election to be held on October 23, 2012 throughout the City of Prichard, the “POLITICAL BEACON" conducted another poll on the race for mayor to see once again what the voters of Prichard have in mind. We conducted a general poll of 612 likely registered voters in the City of Prichard from September 15-September 28 and we ask the likely voters who is their choice for Mayor of Prichard.

It is a clear choice for the likely registered voters, with the many problems facing the City of Prichard are still fresh on the citizens and voters’ minds, they have not forgotten about the word “Change”. Councilman Troy Ephraim once again lead in the poll, this time by a wider margin.  Here are the results from our most recent poll.

Troy Ephraim - 51%
Ron Davis – 43%
Undecided - 6%

Councilman Troy Ephraim is favored by 51% of the 612 likely registered voters we polled for the upcoming runoff election, with incumbent mayor Ron Davis trailing by 8 points in the most recent poll conducted by the Political Beacon, shows that people are dissatisfied with the current leadership and status quo of the City. However there are 6% percent of those likely voters are still undecided, those voters must vote for one or the other and each candidate must work to court those potential voters.

What will matter the most in this upcoming run-off election is the voter turnout. Each candidate must turnout their respective voters and supporters on October 23rd. Troy Ephraim carry majority of the voters on Election Day September 11th, but not enough to avoid a runoff with Ron Davis.

Mayor Ron Davis 
The Political Beacon conducted a similar poll of 327 likely registered voters back in August before the regular scheduled election of August 28th, before it was canceled due to the potential threat of Hurricane Isaac. In that poll it showed a tight race with Ephraim edging out Davis by 2% percent.  

This round of voting is the final say in the race for Prichard next mayor. No more runoffs winner takes all. So if this election means anything to you then you as a voter in Prichard need to make your way to polls on Election Day.

We also ask the 612 likely voters which of the following issues matters to you the most in this election.

Water & Sewer Rates:   26%
Jobs:   12%
Infrastructure:   22%
Crime:    23%
Economic Development:   16%
Other:    1%

High water and sewer rates and crime has been plaguing the City of Prichard for quite some time now and it’s the number one concern on the likely voters mind at 26%, and Crime came in second with 23% and Infrastructure taking its place with a tight 3rd.

We also asked the likely voters, has the candidates done enough to put forth their plan on lowering water and sewer rates in the City?

Yes – 34%
No - 59%
Somewhat – 7%

Both candidates have just a few more weeks to make their case to the voters on why he should be the next Mayor of Prichard. It is very important for all voters and citizens in the City of Prichard be active and exercise your right to vote, because it indeed matters.

The polls will open on October 23, 2012 from 7am -7pm. You are more than welcome to call the city hall for your respective polling precinct.