
Sunday, August 5, 2012

A recent poll finds most African Americans disappointed with the State of Black Leadership

A recent poll conducted by Your Black World/Kulture Kritic, shows that the majority of African Americans are disappointed in the state of black leadership in America.  Participants were asked, ‘Are you happy with the state of black leadership in America?” A total of 85 percent of poll respondents said that they were either unhappy or extremely unhappy with the current state of black leadership.

This is a result of what I have been saying for some time now and I will continue to say. That the status quo in our community must go. Our elected black officials regardless of what office you were elected to, has put the blacks and the issues that matters to the Africans American community on the back burner.

Our pastors that takes a charge to lead from a spiritual point of view has giving in to the dollars and cents and not the souls and hearts of God people.

Community leaders have now become leaders of favoritism and not leaders of truth and freedom. People are now beginning to realize that phony leadership exists; and it’s become an issue of fame, fortune and money and not progress, prosperity and hope for our community.  

Also in the recent poll most blacks seemed to believe that white media plays an overwhelming role in defining black leadership.  Respondents was asked, “Do you think that predominantly white media determines who the black leadership is going to be?”  In response, 69 percent of respondents answered “yes,” while only 19 percent answered “no.”  The rest of the participants said they undecided.

Is this a signed of time that white mainstream media and local media corps dominate and determined who represent our communities so they can control the influence? This is nothing new that white media is a driving force on who represents the African American community.

The real question is when the African American community is going to take a stand and end the status quo. Dr. Martin Luther King along with many others are turning over in their graves today, to know that our black community have turned its back on progress, prosperity and hope.

Our community has the outrageous image in leadership. Our community continues to see a rise in crime and violence, drugs and fatherless homes. Our community continues to see high unemployment and less affordable services. The African American community continues to see a lack of leadership whether is political or spiritual.

Many pastors in our community often say that they don’t mix politics with religion. It goes to show you how much they care about the issues that matters the most to our community. If pastors and ministers would take a moment and think back when the Civil Rights era first began, it was the church that help the movement. It was the church that spoke out against bad policy and politics. It was Dexter Ave Baptist Church where sermons and speeches were delivered for our freedom, it was in Birmingham, Alabama where a black church was bombed and people lost their lives because of the fight for freedom.

I can go on and on, but it’s a sad day when our younger communities have to look at the poor leadership of today and be discouraged.

When will we as a people and community stand up for what’s right, and stop letting people take advantage of our community, our rights and our freedom? The time is getting short; will you as a African American people let it be too late?