
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rep. John Knight to run for another term, and retire from Alabama State

Rep. John Knight
Alabama State Rep. John Knight, a Montgomery Democrat has served in the Legislature since 1993, but plans to retire from Alabama State University and run for another term in 2014.

Knight has to make this decision, after the Republican-led Legislature voted to prohibit state legislators from also working as state employees after the 2014 election.

Knight currently serves as the executive vice president and chief operating officer at Alabama State University, where he has worked since 1976.

Knight said he has more to accomplish in the Legislature, especially as it relates to the state’s unfair and regressive tax structure.

Knight hopes he can make progress on those issues even though Democrats are no longer in the majority.

When lawmakers passed the law in December 2010, the Republicans included language that would delay the prohibition until those elected in the November 2014 election begin serving.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Brave 10-Year-Old Georgia Boy protects his home during Home Invasion!

A brave young man calls 911 to protect his home.

Christopher King a brave 10-year-old from Lawrenceville, Georgia called 911 while his home was being invaded by two robbers, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.

10 year old Christopher King - Atlanta 
Christopher was working on his computer Friday evening when he heard a knock at the door. He assumed it was a salesman. Unfortunately, the knock on the door wasn’t anyone wanting to sell something. It was two men breaking their way into his home to take his valuables.

“I was so scared I wanted to just burst out crying,” Christopher told WXIA-TV Atlanta.  “But I was like ‘Chris just calm down, stay cool and collected.’”

They were like, ‘The cops are here! The cops are here!’” Christopher said.

The intruders fled the scene, but were quickly caught by Gwinnett County police. One of the suspects, 19-year-old D’andrew Greene, was charged him with burglary and obstruction of a police officer.

New Alabama bill will prohibit welfare money use on liquor, tattoos , etc.

An Alabama state senator is pushing a bill that would prohibit Alabamians from using welfare benefits to buy booze, cigarettes, and gas. 
Alabama Sen. Arthur Orr

Is this the type of bills that needs to be discussed in a time such as this? Alabama has bigger issues that need to be addressed than this. Let’s file bills that will create jobs, bring in revenue for the state, affordable healthcare and fix our educational system.

Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, prefiled a bill for the 2013 session that would prohibit people from using their benefits in, or making cash withdrawals at, bars, casinos, tattoo parlors, strip clubs or facilities that offer psychic services. The proposal also would prohibit people from using the benefits to buy alcoholic beverages and cigarettes and fine any business that lets them do so.

"I think to prevent some of these, or all of these, type transactions would hopefully mean the money will go where it is intended to go, which is for the support of the children," Orr said.

Lawmakers in states across the country are trying to implement restrictions on the use of welfare benefits. Saying they are trying to prevent the waste and abuse of taxpayer money, at least 10 states have implemented new policies or laws, while opponents question the enforceability or need for the measures at all.

Assistance to poor families comes mainly from two programs -- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly called food stamps; and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, which is commonly thought of as welfare. 

Orr's bill goes further than the national legislation, with additional restrictions and penalties for violators. Violators would be disqualified from receiving cash or EBT benefits for one month on a first offense; three months on a second violation and permanently on a third violation.

A person or business that lets a person buy alcohol or tobacco products with the benefits would be fined: $100 for the first violation, $500 for the second violation within five years and $1,000 for a third violation within five years.

A House Democrat questioned and disagree of the need for such a bill. "It's Republican rhetoric. That is all it is," said Rep. John Rogers, D-Birmingham.

Since Republicans have taken control of legislatures in many states, they have a witch hunt on the states poor and middle class.

Democratic Women’s Club of Escambia County, Florida to meet

The Escambia County, Fla., Democratic Women's Club will host a Democratic Candidates Forum on Aug. 9 at 7 p.m. in Pensacola.

The Democratic Women’s Club is also inviting everyone to attend; the location will be The Belmont Building, 401 N. Reus St. The event is open to the public, and all Democratic candidates are invited. For more information, contact

Satsuma Meet the Candidate's Day

On Tuesday evening July 31st, municipal candidates in Satsuma and members of the public are invited to a "Meet the Candidates" forum at Steele Creek Lodge, 368 Juniper Ave. The event begins at 6:30 p.m., sponsored by the Satsuma Public Library Foundation. Each candidate will have three to five minutes to present his or her platform. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Black voter turnout could be the key factor in November

With the general election approaching us, many fear that the black vote will be suppressed or discouraged by Republicans and or some elected leaders. However the black vote may be the surprising important swing vote.

But in order for change to take place and continue the leadership of restoring hope to the poor and middle class, ending poverty, better education and creating jobs. Then the black vote at the ballot box is very important this fall.

Leaders of the National Urban League, a civil rights group, released a report on Tuesday that said although blacks voted overwhelmingly for the Democrat in 2008, if the number of African American voters drops even 5 percentage points this year it could tip the outcome in some vital states.

So what this mean is, African Americans voters must get registered and be ready to vote in November in larger numbers than 2008.

If that voter turnout rate returned to the 2004 election levels - 60 percent compared with nearly 65 percent in 2008 - the report estimated that Obama, the nation's first black president, would lose in North Carolina and would have a tough time in Ohio and Virginia.

"We wanted to point out that turnout makes a difference," said Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League. "And that African American turnout particularly, in a number of states, could make the ultimate difference."

A USA TODAY/Gallup poll of 12 swing states - including North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia - on July 8 showed the pair essentially tied as Obama had a narrow 2-point lead.

Morial said many political pundits often dismiss the importance of blacks because they voted overwhelmingly - about 95 percent - for Obama in 2008 over Republican John McCain.

"No one has really picked up on the idea that African American voters are part of the swing category," said Morial. "But it's not 'What percentage of African American voters will vote for the president?' - it's 'How many actually get to the polls and vote?'"

Voting is important; it’s a right and right that our forefathers fought for. Many have died for this cause, march thousands of miles and raised many of voices. So we as African Americans must utilize this right and power of voting. Let your voice be heard.

New voting laws have taken place in many states, it is important to call your local Board of Registrar Office to get the importance of casting a ballot in your county and precinct. May sure you are registered, with correct information, if not update your information. If you are not registered to vote, get registered to be able to cast a ballot.

This election will depend on you the African American vote in November. 

Florida's Ex-GOP chair Jim Greer says Republican Party tried to suppress black voters

Former Florida COP Chairman Jim Greer
In the past few days many reports have began to come out that Republicans tried to intentionally suppress the black and minority votes.

Former Florida Republican Party chairman Jim Greer said some party leaders met to discuss ways they could suppress black votes, the Tampa Bay Times reported.

"They talked about not letting blacks vote … and minority outreach programs were not fit for the Republican Party," Greer told the Associated Press.

The statements were part of a 630-page deposition given in his lawsuit against the party, according to the Miami Herald. In the suit, Greer alleges the party's Senate President Mike Haridopolos and Sen. John Thrasher owe him $130,000.

Greer also said the party was in financial crisis and a bunch of "whack-a-dos."

The allegations come as the Justice Department is investigating whether the administration of Florida Gov. Rick Scott is targeting minorities in its attempt to purge voter rolls in the state.

This a sad case to hear of the Republican Party, as its former party chairman speaks out in what he tells as the truth. There is no doubt that the Republican party has a witch hunt out on the minority vote.

Obama, GOP continues to go head and head over Bush era taxes rates

President Obama continues to push for fairness between the middle class and rich. Obama took to the airwaves once again to make his pitch on his tax plan for the middle class.

President Barack Obama blamed Republicans on Saturday for a stalemate that could increase taxes on Americans next year while a leading Senate Republican cast Obama and his Democratic Party as obstructionists who want to place the tax burden on businesses during an economic slowdown.

In his weekly radio and online address, Obama pressed the Republican-controlled House to extend Bush-era tax cuts for households making $250,000 or less while letting lower rates on wealthier taxpayers expire and go up. The Democratic-controlled Senate narrowly passed such a measure earlier in the week, but the House is not expected to follow suit.

“Instead of doing what’s right for middle-class families and small-business owners, Republicans in Congress are holding these tax cuts hostage until we extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans,” Obama said.

Responding on behalf of the congressional GOP, Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said Obama’s plan would do more harm to the economy and criticized him with almost identical language. He called for extending current tax rates for all taxpayers and spending 2013 overhauling and simplifying the tax code.

“Raising taxes as our economy continues to struggle is not a solution, and the majority of Americans and businesses understand that,” Hatch said. “The president and his Washington allies need to stop holding America’s economy hostage in order to raise taxes on those trying to lead our economic recovery.”

Senator Hatch is not raising taxes Sir, its call fairness. Its called restoring those taxes to the rich that they don’t pay cause of the former administration of President Bush. This has put the deficit of this country on the backs of our poor and middle class, while the wealthiest American enjoys the luxury of not paying any or very little of taxes.

It’s not raising taxes; it’s making everyone pay their fair share of taxes.

Alabama Medicaid facing ‘major cuts’ if Sept.18 referendum is not passed

With a September 18 state wide referendum coming up, and little voter education has been provided. The state is facing cutting medical care and services to thousands if the Referendum is not passed by voters.  

State Health Officer Don Williamson said the state's Medicaid program will be an "uncontrolled train wreck" if voters reject a Sept. 18 referendum to take money from a state savings account and use it to prop up the state's ailing General Fund.

"If the constitutional amendment fails we are looking at a $100 million shortfall minimum," Williamson said in a presentation to the Joint Legislative Committee on Medicaid Policy.

Williamson said he has doubts on the state's ability to operate a Medicaid program that meets federal standards if that much money is cut from the budget.

Voters go to the polls Sept. 18 on a proposal to transfer money from the Alabama Trust Fund to the General Fund.

One place the state theoretically could look to try to save money would be to cut reimbursement rates to hospitals and nursing homes, Williamson said. 

But he said that could have significant consequences for provide who care for large numbers of Medicaid patients. 

"You will close small rural hospitals. You will cause some nursing homes to close," Williamson said. 

One committee member said Alabama will continue to be in a cycle of fiscal crisis unless the state looks for new revenue. 

"We've got to face reality. We need new revenue," said Sen. Vivian Davis Figures, D-Mobile.

"At what point do we realize we have to look at tax reform in the state of Alabama?" Figures said.

I wonder why this Republican controlled legislature approved a statewide referendum at the tax payers expense in the middle of two elections in this state. This is simple causing confusion and discouraging voters to get out to vote.

Why?, because voters will go to the polls on August 28th, to cast ballots for mayor and council members in many cities and towns across the state, and then turn around and have to vote on September 18th. That’s not even 30 days apart. Soon after all that, voters will have to return to the polls in November for the general election.

This is discouraging many voters from participating; many voters will say it just to must. I believe the republicans did this on purpose. I believe they knew what the outcome would be, because they indeed wanted this measure to fail.

Have your seen Brittany Robinson or her father?

Brittany Robinson 

Brittany Robinson was last seen June 14th. She was supposed to spend a weekend with her dad and then return home.

“It's been very hard and I have just been trying to hold on and stay strong for the sake of my other children; so I’m not just unhappy and having them think that their sister is not going to return because i know she will,” said Robinson’s mother Tiana Hogue.

Police say a warrant has been issued for Demetric Hooper the father of missing teen, Brittany Robinson.

Demetric Hooper 
“Through our investigation and talking with the district attorney's office we have been able to sign a warrant for the father arrest for interference with custody which is a felony,” said CPL Chris Levy of the Mobile Police Department.

If you have seen Brittany or her father please call your local police or the Mobile Police asap.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Alabama Republicans asks court to back its redistricting plan, Democrats say no

The battle over the newly redrawn house and senate district lines in Alabama still maybe headed to a court battle.

Alabama State House - Montgomery, Alabama
Alabama's attorney general filed a lawsuit Thursday asking a federal court to approve a redistricting plan for his Legislature without requiring the plan to go through the U.S. Justice Department for approval to make sure it doesn't discriminate against minority voters.
The lawsuit seeks a declaratory judgment from a three-judge panel of U.S. District Court in Washington finding that the plan approved by the Alabama Legislature during a special session in May does not deny or abridge the right to vote based on race or color.

Alabama and several other Southern states or counties need federal approval for election changes under the 1965 Voting Rights Act because of their histories of voter discrimination.

Thursday's lawsuit from Alabama also takes aim at that requirement: If the court doesn't grant a declaratory judgment, Alabama argues it should find the preclearance provision and its 2006 amendments unconstitutional.

Democrats in the Legislature have complained that the plan passed by the Republican-controlled Legislature was written to favor Republicans and packed black voters in some districts while leaving them with little influence in other districts.

Senate Minority Leader Roger Bedford, D-Russellville, said the attorney general's office wants to avoid the justice department's preclearance process because the Legislature "passed a racially gerrymandered plan."

"It's a ridiculous waste of taxpayer's money," Bedford said of the lawsuit. He said Republicans are trying to circumvent the way voting changes have been approved in Alabama for the last 40 years.

House Minority Leader Craig Ford said he believes Republicans want to avoid going to the Justice Department because they are "ashamed of the way they drew the lines."
The state also seeks an injunction preventing Attorney General Eric Holder from enforcing the pre-clearance provision.

Republicans always cry about the wrong matters, and they are continuing to deceive the citizens of this country. Let’s just be fair in all of this Republicans and Republicans alike. It’s not about the people, it’s about you constructing all this to favor your political power in our state. Why not let the people decide at the ballot box, oh no that’s too much huh, Rep. Mark Hubbard, Republican Chairman Bill Armistead, and Gov. Robert Bently?  You just refuse to let the people decide.

It’s sad that the attorney general has asked the court to over step the boundaries of the Department of Justice to approve something that they want to favor their political party and not the citizens of this state. 

Thelma Glass, Ala. teacher and civil rights activist, dies at 96

The late Mrs. Thelma Glass

We have lost another icon in Mrs. Thelma Glass a former Alabama teacher and a pioneer in the civil rights movement.  

Almost a decade before the arrest of Rosa Parks in 1955 sparked the Montgomery bus boycott and helped catapult civil rights to the political forefront, a group of teachers at the historically black Alabama State College in Montgomery formed the Women’s Political Council to campaign against the abuses and indignities of segregation.

Many of the women remained historical footnotes, which did not sit well with Thelma Glass, who was secretary of the Women’s Political Council and helped champion the boycott long before it happened. “The men talked about it, you know, but we were ready to take action,” Mrs. Glass told an Alabama State publication last year.

Mrs. Glass joined the organization soon after she began teaching at Alabama State in 1947.

Mrs. Glass died July 24 at 96. 

Romney says tougher gun laws won’t stop violence

As gun violence continue to rise in our country, protecting our citizens and country is a high priority, but to some it’s not. A very few that say they love this country rather protect a select few and not worry about their fellow American citizens.  
Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney

It’s a known fact that the National Rifle Association has endorsed less regulations and tougher gun laws in this country. If we are going to seek the change we need to end gun violence, then we may need to change who represent us. Many politicians are scared to even bring the debate up in regards to tough gun laws, because they are scared of the National Rifle Association.

America just take a look at what’s happening around you, and you will see that there are to many guns on our streets. These guns have began to get in the hands of individuals that is not worthy of having possession of a gun. But when we experience and hear the sad news of a terrible act of violence, that is cause by a gun; we began to feel it personal and ask ourselves why?

Sometime tougher laws do help, it help protect those that try to do harm to you. However it saddens me to hear Mitt Romney reject the fact that we need tougher gun laws in America.

Mitt Romney rejected the idea that tougher gun laws could have prevented the deadly rampage in Aurora, Colo., saying in an interview Tuesday on NBC that a legislative remedy would not thwart people who want to cause harm.
“Just having a law saying someone can’t do a bad thing doesn’t always keep a person from doing a bad thing,” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

This is not the type of individual we need leading this country to even think in a sense as this. Mitt Romney basically said he doesn’t care, let the people do what they want, when they want. I guess he don’t care about protecting the lives of our citizens.

Authorities have said that James Holmes, the Colorado shooting suspect, was able to legally build an arsenal by ordering 6,000 rounds of ammunition on the Internet. Mr. Romney said the goal should be to find the people who represent a danger and prevent them from hurting others.

Well Mitt Romney if there was tougher laws in place to prevent the purchase of such weapons and material, then this day probably would have never happen to America. We can avoid these types of acts and we can protect our American citizens.

I wonder how much of an influence and contributions the National Rifle Association is sending to Mitt Romney campaign.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Severia Campbell-Morris says “enough is enough” as she makes her bid for Mayor

Severia Campbell-Morris has qualified as a candidate to be the next mayor of Prichard, Alabama. Severia Morris is running for mayor of a city that needs much change inside and out. Morris is a native of Prichard being born and raised in the city, attending school, attending church and being a active community activist.

Severia Campbell Morris spoke with the Political Beacon on last evening to share her plans and goals if she is elected the next mayor of Prichard. She didn’t shy away from the many issues that are facing the struggling city.

Severia Campbell-Morris
Campbell Morris pointed out that the citizens of Prichard needs someone that will stand up and be a leader for them and turn the city around. I ask Severia Morris, do she think she’s qualified to be the next mayor of Prichard? “Yes I am qualified, and I’m ready to get to work for the people.”

Severia-Campbell Morris is known for her long involvement in the issues surrounding the Prichard Water and Sewer Board. Many residents in the city have seen triple water bill for single dwelling homes, water and sewer bills that reach over $1,000 in some cases. Morris has lead rallies to the State Capital in Montgomery and helped obtain a referendum on the ballot in November to dissolve the Prichard Water and Sewer Board and merge with MAWSS, a bill that was sponsored by district Senator Vivian Figures.

“As the the Executive and member of the United Concerned Citizens of Prichard Executive Board, I stood up to the city and the Prichard Water and Sewer Board, I fought for the citizens to get lower water and sewer rates. No other candidate have said they support dissolving this board, so the citizens can get fair and affordable water and sewer rates in Prichard, no one.”

Severia Morris believes that the Prichard Water and Sewer Board must be dissolved in order for Prichard to grow.

Prichard has been facing many problems with basic infrastructure issues and the lack of attention directed to solving the infrastructure issues in the city. “Drainage and Flooding is a big concern, these needs have to be improved in other to have a better city, said Campell-Morris.”

Severia Campbell Morris also mentions that the city of Prichard, do not need two attorneys to represent the city. She stated that if she is elected she will only allow one attorney for the city to represent the mayor, council and city.

Balancing the budget has been hard to do in previous years. Some question is it really that hard for Prichard to balance a budget. We at the political beacon found out that the cash strapped city pays out more than $50,000 in cell phone payments each month.

“I would as mayor ask for a state audit to find out what Prichard has, and what we are able to pay out and owe. I will be a mayor to balance the budget, by getting rid of non needed services and paying our bills on time.”

Morris said that her administration will manage and use the city tax dollar wisely and effectively.
Prichard has been the center of employee pay and retiree benefits. A recently protest and debate prompted the mayor and council to come to an agreement to pay their city retirees monthly benefits. However it’s not what many had hoped for, after serving the city for decades.

“I will revisit this issue as mayor and make sure all former and future retirees get their fair share. I will also look into getting the city of Prichard into the State Retirement System, so our employees and retirees will have a better retirement to look forward to.”

Morris claims the present administration of Mayor Ron Davis pushed this issue with retirees too far and avoided giving the retirees what is due to them.

Crime is a high priority on many candidates platform this election season. Severia Morris says she believes the city police department needs an overhaul, and if she is elected she will evaluate the department to make improvements, so that the department can better serve the city and the citizens.

“I want more cameras in the city and more up to date technology so our police force can be able to tackle crime head on. I also support hiring more police officers for the city to make sure our city is secure.”

Prichard for years has been battling with the lack of a sufficient tax base and economic development. Many promises has been made for this city and only a very few has come to pass. “We must better the image of Prichard, to recruit more businesses to the city, improve the infrastructure, crime and then more businesses will start coming to our city. I support creating a business district west of I-65 on Hwy 45 in the Eight Mile area; I also would like to see the downtown Wilson Ave area revived so that new businesses can return to Downtown Prichard.”

Severia Morris went on to comment and state that business licenses and fees in the city are hurting current business owners and discourage potential businesses. “I will work to lower the business fees in Prichard, and I will offer new businesses that locate in our city tax credits and incentatives for locating in Prichard.”

Severia Morris wants Prichard to become a distribution hub for Mobile County and the surrounding area. Morris states that the city has to many resources to its advantage and not using them.

“I am the only candidate that is out hitting the pavement, going home to home talking with voters and citizens about these issues. It’s time to fix Prichard, said Severia Morris.”

The City of Prichard has been in a decline mode and the status quo just seems as if it do want to go away. Over the years Prichard has had a wide range of problems that needs to be addressed.

Now many candidates are offering their wide range of ideas, but only one will be chosen on August 28th

Monday, July 23, 2012

Teresa Fox Bettis makes her run for mayor of Prichard

Teresa Fox Bettis the executive director of the Center for Fair Housing in Mobile is running for Mayor of Prichard with hope and expectations for a struggling city.

Teresa Fox Bettis 
Bettis has a plan of her own to turn the City of Prichard around if elected. Teresa Fox Bettis was born to the late Charles and Lucille Fox and now married to Dennis Bettis. Teresa is the mother of four and is a member of the Bethany Refuge Empowerment Ministry.

Teresa Fox Bettis was educated at McGill Toolen High School and she attended Tuskegee and Troy Universities.  

I had the pleasure of speaking with Teresa Fox Bettis and she shared a lot about a city that is seeking a turnaround in the 21st Century. There are no questions about the future of Prichard if it continues on the path that it’s on. Teresa Bettis is ready to change that prospective and bring a positive outlook to a cash strapped city.

I asked Teresa Fox Bettis, why did she decide to run for mayor of Prichard? 

“I have known for more than ten years that one day I would run for Mayor of Prichard. After much prayer and discussions with my husband and family I felt that the time was now. My desire to run has come from a place deep within. I have watched my city deteriorate and the people suffer for a long time. I am a mother and I want better for my children and others. I am a advocate and I am compelled to change the current course of our city for a better direction.”

Prichard has been struggling for almost a decade now, and new leadership with creative ideas would bring a positive outlook for the city of Prichard. A city that has seen crime rise, the tax and economic base decrease, businesses move out, families move out, and the dark clouds that cover the city.

Teresa Fox Bettis shared with me the key issues of concern in her race for mayor.

“There is a lack of transparency and insufficient use of the City's funds. The lack of adequate funding and staffing for our police department and their perception with citizens. There are no real visual signs of effective community development.There are no evidence of a plan for real economic development in our City. There is neither a plan in place to address issues of environmental concerns nor plans to create a healthy community. This is just a few of my concerns broadly stated, said Bettis.”

Speaking of environmental concerns, a foul order has been hovering the Eight Mile community of Prichard for quite some time, now that its election time for leadership, many want to come to the rescue and still no answers have been delivered to the people. You can take a look around Prichard and see that they are many needs for improvement to make Prichard a healthier community.

Over the past several years Prichard has seen it’s crime rate rise to unbelievable numbers, a city that once was a great city to call home is now under the attack of violence and drugs. I asked Teresa what is her plan to decrease the crime rate in Prichard? “First of all we have to secure additional funding for the police department to be able to hire the adequate number of officers needed to police our city effectively. The next thing that has to happen is building relationship between the police and community. Trust has to be built to address the crime issue. Finally, put people back to work.”

Teresa Fox Bettis is no stranger of fair and affordable housing, as the director of the Center for Fair Housing in Mobile, Bettis knows the importance of adequate living for individuals and families. “The era of public housing as we once knew it no longer exists. We must continue to educate our community on the importance of having a plan to sustain themselves. Perhaps with some form of subsidized housing but on a much shorter timeframe. This is why getting people employed and trained is so important”, said Bettis.

The issue that has been a heated debate between the council and mayor for a long time now is the city finances and how they are administered. Here is what Teresa Bettis had to say.

“Again after reviewing the City's audits and first quarter spending, it is clear to me that more effective management and use of the City's dollars will be a key of concern, through sound leadership, utilizing good principles of stewardship, building business from within and stable public safety. This is the path to getting Prichard on a road to prosperity for all of its citizens.”

This election will be a referendum on who is best qualified to lead the city. Will this city that has a chance for great opportunities continue to go down a status quo path, or will it turn for progress?  Many promises has been made over the years and very little has come to existence. We continue to see the poor communication of local officials on the council and the Mayor’s office. There is no doubt that there is a lack of transparency in Prichard.

The people are tired of the same ole politics. I spoke with several residents of Prichard and they feel that they’re vote want even matter, because of the continuing status quo leadership. The people of Prichard is looking for something different, they are looking for real leadership  that will put the citizens first and recruit a business base that will provide their families with jobs and security. Many residents want to see a administration that will make it a priority to give the city a new look in infrastructure and beautification.   

Five candidates have qualified to run for mayor, and only one will be chosen. Mayor Ron Davis has qualified for re-election, Councilman Troy Ephraim, Community Activist Severia Campbell Morris, Teresa Fox Bettis and former Mayor Charles Harden also have qualified.

On August 28, 2012 the citizens of Prichard will have a chance to make their voices heard by casting their ballot for the future of Prichard, Alabama.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mobile lawyer Herndon Inge running for State Board of Education

Mobile lawyer Herndon Inge III was a last-minute replacement candidate for the state Board of Education, accepting an appointment to be the Democratic nominee in May when Cecil Gardner dropped out.

Inge, 62, faces Republican Tracy Roberts, who has served on the Baldwin County school board since 2004.

Inge believes in trying harder to get the job done and win. “I think it’s like Avis rental car. We’re No. 2 and we try harder,” he said. “I’m going to outwork the imbalance that the Legislature created. I’m going to outthink it.”

Democrat Herdon Inge 
Inge said he is highly qualified for the position — a proven leader capable of making serious decisions facing southwest Alabama schools. Ingle has been married for 32 years with adult children; he has been practicing family law for 37 years.

Herndon Inge is calling for a more active role by state school board members in participating in legislative debates over school budgets and other issues affecting education.

“They’ve got to go to the Legislature and lobby. They don’t like to lobby,” he said.

Herndon Inge is well known in the community and having served with many organizations and boards. Inge is past chairman of the Family Law Section of the Alabama State Bar Association and has been fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

Inge was selected as outstanding young man of America in both 1978 and 1980, and was included in the Best Lawyers in America in 2010, 2011 and 2012. He was lawyer of the year in family law in Mobile in 2012, and was selected as Mobile’s arts patron of the year in 2011.

Inge will face Tracy Roberts a Republican from Baldwin County in November. Whoever wins this seat, will serve a four year term.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Massachusetts Tea Party Unhappy With State Republican Party

A recent report has been released that a recent meeting with local tea party groups in Massachusetts show that Tea Party members, is not happy with their state Republican Party.

At a meeting for the Leicester/Holden/Paxton/Rutland Tea Party group, grassroots leaders accused the Massachusetts GOP of being "too moderate" and "too elite," according to a report from GoLocalWorcester.

The state's GOP leaders are a bunch of "country club Republicans," said Jim McGrath, co-chairman of the LPRH Tea Party.

Another local conservative activist, Dana George Reed, characterized the party in an interview with the local Worcester website as "moderate to liberal," which, of course, is a derogatory statement in the right-wing activist world.

This is another sign that the Tea Party wants to take over leadership and government. Tea Party leadership and representation has stalled many actions for progress in this country. Let the people decide.

Colorado Movie Theater Mass Shooting

24 Year Old James Holmes 

James Holmes a 24 year old former college student is being held in custody as the sole alleged suspect in the deadly shooting in Aurora, Co.

Twelve people died and 58 were injured in the attack early Friday, a few of those not by gunfire but in the chaos that ensued as the audience tried to flee the smoke-filled theater, authorities said. Among the wounded, several were listed in critical condition.

Hours after the shootings, it remained unclear what drove the suspect, identified as 24-year-old James Holmes, to fire round after round at the unsuspecting audience watching "The Dark Knight Rises." Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Holmes used a military-style semi-automatic rifle, a shotgun and a pistol that he had bought at local gun stores within the last two months. He also recently purchased 6,000 rounds of ammunition over the Internet, the chief said.

An emotional Gov. John Hickenlooper said earlier Friday that people would not be defined by the tragedy.  

The shooting was the worst in the U.S. since the Nov. 5, 2009, attack at Fort Hood, Texas. An Army psychiatrist was charged with killing 13 soldiers and civilians and wounding more than two dozen others. It was the deadliest in Colorado since the 1999 attack at Columbine High School, where two students killed 12 classmates and a teacher and wounded 26 others before killing themselves.

Holmes had enrolled last year in a neuroscience Ph.D. program at the University of Colorado-Denver, though he left the program last month for unknown reasons. 

Police say the apartment of James Holmes, the suspect in the deadly mass shooting at a Denver-area movie theater, is booby trapped with what look like sophisticated devices.
Police used a video camera to look inside an apartment where the suspect in a shooting at a movie theatre lived in Aurora, CO on Friday.

Many families have been touched by this horrible act of violence. This is a clear sign that it’s time for us a nation to lay aside politics and come together as one and take a stand to end violence in our country.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Ann Romney Says Enough Is Public, and Admits that more could cause more attacks

Ann Romney 

Ann Romney the wife of GOP presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney took to the airwaves on ABC network to say that enough is released about her husband finances.

Ann Romney admits that there are so many things that will be open for more attacks. Mitt Romney’s wife says there’s enough out there about how much money they’ve made in the past.

“There are so many things that will be open again for more attack,” Ann Romney told ABC’s Robin Roberts on “Good Morning America” when asked about releasing tax returns. “And you just want to give more material for more attack. And that’s really — that’s just the answer.”

She added, “And we’ve given all our people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how — you know, how we live our life.”

This is the answer that the Romney’ s are hiding something. And to lay the claim aside that they are not hiding anything, Mitt Romney will have to do has many have asked release the Tax Returns.

For Ann Romney to make the statement that she did on national TV, that quote “There are so many things that will be open again for more attack,” is proof enough that her husband Mitt Romney is in fact not being transparent to the American people and indeed hiding something in his tax returns.

This gives me that notion that the claims against Mitt Romney are true about hiding his tax returns. Until I see something different the case is Mitt Romney is not telling the American people the truth.

Obama In Florida, criticizes Romney over Medicare & Healthcare

President Barack Obama spoke to a welcome and lively crowd in Jacksonville. President Barack Obama warned Thursday that his Republican challenger Mitt Romney would gut his health care reform law and turn Medicare into a voucher program, driving up costs for the elderly on fixed incomes. Romney, firing away near his Boston home base, accused Obama of caring only about saving his own job — not the jobs of Americans.

Nowhere is the campaign potentially more pivotal than in Florida, which decided the 2000 election and remains the ultimate swing state. With a large pool of retired voters, Medicare has been used by both parties to rally support from seniors in Florida and elsewhere, mostly by warning that the other party had in mind changes that would curb the national insurance program for older Americans.

Obama sought to broaden his attack on Romney's support for a House Republican plan that would shift Medicare from a fee-for-service program into one where future retirees buy insurance using subsidies. Republicans say it would introduce competition and give seniors more choices, but it is closely watched in Florida, where about half of the 2008 electorate was age 50 and older.

"He plans to turn Medicare into a voucher program," Obama said at West Palm Beach's Century Village, home to thousands of Democratic retirees from New York, New Jersey and elsewhere. "If the voucher isn't worth what it takes to buy health insurance in the private marketplace, you're out of luck. You've got to make up the difference. You're on your own."

During stops in Jacksonville and in West Palm Beach, Obama jumped on Romney's opposition to his health care reform law, which was recently upheld by the Supreme Court. He said the former Massachusetts governor's approach would force more than 200,000 Floridians pay more for their prescription drugs.

"It's wrong to ask you to pay more for Medicare so that people who are doing well right now get even more," Obama told seniors at Century Village. "That's no way to reduce the deficit. We shouldn't be squeezing more money out of seniors."

As Obama stuck to his economic message, his campaign kept up its aggressive attempt to raise doubts about Romney's trustworthiness. Obama and his surrogates have been pushing Romney to release more than two years of tax returns. Some members of Romney's party have agreed, although others say the idea is a distraction.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Utah Republican Fundraiser, Arrested, Charged With Raping 4 Women

Greg Peterson a big time Republican fundraiser in Utah is behind bars.

A Utah man tied to the state's Republican party has been arrested on charges that he raped four women.

Greg Peterson, 37, was booked Wednesday on 23 felony counts, including rape and kidnapping. Two of the alleged victims claim the incidents took place at Peterson's cabin, where he has hosted a number of fundraisers featuring Utah's most prominent politicians. Peterson's bail has been set at only $750,000.

Charging documents allege sexual assaults against four women in Salt Lake County beginning March 26, 2011. In the first case, the documents allege, Peterson met a woman at a church function and she agreed to go to a movie with him.

But instead of going to a theater, the papers allege, Peterson told the woman he had a gun and took her to his cabin in Heber. The documents allege he sexually assaulted the woman while she said no and hit her when she did not do as he wished. Peterson drove the woman back to her vehicle the next morning.

Peterson allegedly held the woman hostage at his cabin overnight and sexually assaulted her. The next day, he took her to his mother's house in Lewiston, Cache County, where she was held hostage for two days and repeatedly assaulted, according to court documents.

In another case, Peterson allegedly met a woman online, went to a movie with her and then threatened to report the woman to immigration authorities after learning her visa had expired. The Tribune reported he allegedly then drove her to the cabin and sexually assaulted her there.

The rape and kidnapping charges are first-degree felonies that could carry life sentences.

On Peterson’s Facebook page, he describes himself as the owner of Peterson Wealth Management and features a photo of him meeting GOP presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Another photo shows an invitation to a Romney fundraiser that he co-chaired on Nov. 17, 2007 in Park City, Utah.

Michelle Obama rally supporters during Birmingham speech

First Lady Michelle Obama arrived in Birmingham, Alabama on Wednesday with a smile and warm reception. Making her rounds in the magic city of Birmingham, Michelle Obama toured the Pratt City recreation center. There she received reports on the progress of recovery after deadly tornadoes that hit the area several months ago.

First lady Michelle Obama spoke to a crowd of supporters last evening with passion and urgency.

First Lady Michelle Obama

"I believe our president is doing a phenomenal job," she said to the crowd, Here in America there is always something better if you are willing to work for it.”

The first lady mentioned the president's accomplishments of rescuing the auto industry, his support for the DREAM Act, and support for scholarships and loans.

First Lady Michelle reminded the crowd that the president brought troops home from Iraq, brought Bin Laden to justice, ended Don't Ask Don't Tell, supported equal pay for women, and appointed three women to the Supreme Court.

Michelle Obama was speaking during a fundraising reception for the Obama campaign that was held at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel. Tickets ranged in price from $200 for general admission to packages of tickets and with photo opportunities for $30,000.

She warned that this election will be closer than the last. Sitting on the sidelines is simply not an option, the First Lady said.

"This election could come down to the last few thousand people we register" she said, and to those who get to the polls.

The race is on in Mount Vernon, four has qualified, now who will lead?

Mayor Jerry Lundy
The race for Mount Vernon mayor will be headed for a rematch between the current Mayor Jerry Lundy, former councilman James Adams and Businessman Leophus Lyde. Councilwoman Verdell Trotter Dees is giving her seat up to be the only and first woman to run for mayor.  

This election will determine the future of a small city in North Mobile County. Many promises has been made in the past, now that the Town is a center for growth, who will lead this town forward?

Four years ago Jerry Lundy held off James Adams in a close runoff election. Leophus Lyde came in with a distance third place finish. Verdell Trotter Dees was just entering the political scene and won a race for City Council in District 5.

Well four years later, the same four believes that they can do a better job. Mayor Jerry Lundy will have to work hard to be re-elected this around. Many citizens in this small town are upset with promises that has been made and not yet delivered upon, such as the town’s first public sewer system. Funding for this project has been approved and plans for construction was set to start on the project early this summer, but there is no sign in town of construction. This project is a major development for a town such as Mount Vernon with the new billion dollar ThyssenKrupp Steel USA plant.

A new sewer system along Hwy 43 will spur the economic and business development in the City. Mount Vernon has seen its share of development under Mayor Lundy, such as the new McDonald’s 24 hour restaurant in the Calvert area. But Mount Vernon will face a decline in jobs with the proposed closing of Searcy Hospital.

Mayor Jerry Lundy believes he is the man for the job and will continue to work to build Mount Vernon and he will tout his accomplishments of the new McDonalds and a new Public Library.

Former councilman James Adams has already hit the campaign trail, reminding voters of a close election it was four years ago. There is no doubt that Mr. Adams believes if elected he can move the City forward. One of his strongest messages is more businesses.

Businessman Leophus Lyde also is campaign hard. He has began to mail our flyers to voters touting his record as a businessman and his involvement in helping communities progress. Lyde says is has proven leadership and that he will make the citizens of Mount Vernon proud.

Councilwoman Verdell Trotter-Dees
Councilwoman Verdell Trotter Dees, first elected to the council in 2008, she won a three person race without a runoff. Verdell Dees is the wife of businessman Walter Dees, which owns a auto body shop in the Shepard Lake Community.

You better believe that Mrs. Dees will showcase her accomplishments in locating the new senior citizen center in her district, also the public library which sits across from her local church. Councilwoman Dees has only served one term on the city council. She will make a run for mayor hoping to become the town first woman mayor.

Jerry Lundy is the lone white candidate and incumbent, after winning the election when former mayor Cleon Bolden decided he was not running again. Bolden became the first black mayor and served 20 years in Mount Vernon government. Will the residents make this race about race, or will it be about the issues?

Note: Mr. Adams and Mr. Lyde photos was not available when published.

This election is another one of my close watched races. Stay right here with me the Political
Beacon as I continue to bring you more informed information.