
Monday, July 16, 2012

Mobile County local municipal qualifying ends tomorrow for mayor and city council races

An election year where it seems that politics is out the roof is compared to nothing like 2008. Four years later making a hard choice, in whom to elect to represent them in public office.

Cities and Towns all over Mobile County and surrounding areas will be electing or re-electing mayors and council members for the next four years.

In the midst of local municipal elections I have two cities on my most watched and concerned list, and that the City of Prichard and the Town of Mount Vernon, Alabama.

The two races are very important to me, as I wait to see how the people of Prichard vote to move their city forward, as well as the Town of Mount Vernon a small town in north Mobile County where the new billon dollar ThyssenKrupp Steel USA is only 1 mile north of Police Jurisdiction.  

The City of Prichard is facing pension problems, low tax revenues, public safety issues, water and sewer issues, and just a issue of government communication with its citizens.

And on the north end of the county, Mount Vernon is dealing with growth and implementing a new public sewer system for it’s town, a project is has only been talked about, funding approved but no work has begun.

This election that will be held on August 28, will determine were these two cities are headed in the next four years.

Prichard current mayor Ron Davis is running for re-election and feels he deserves a third term, after the city has filed for bankruptcy again in a decade. Davis is being challenged by former mayor Charles Harden, Councilman Troy Ephriam the former Council President, and Severia Campbell Morris who lead the protest and challenges to the city high water and sewer bills.

In Mount Vernon their current mayor Jerry Lundy is running for re-election, while being challenges by Councilwoman Verdell Trotter Dees, former Councilman James Adams and Businessman Leophus Lyde.

I want be a surprise if other names jump into the races, on Wednesday I will bring you a more update on where these races are headed and I will make my endorsement in all races the first week of August.