
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Obama, GOP continues to go head and head over Bush era taxes rates

President Obama continues to push for fairness between the middle class and rich. Obama took to the airwaves once again to make his pitch on his tax plan for the middle class.

President Barack Obama blamed Republicans on Saturday for a stalemate that could increase taxes on Americans next year while a leading Senate Republican cast Obama and his Democratic Party as obstructionists who want to place the tax burden on businesses during an economic slowdown.

In his weekly radio and online address, Obama pressed the Republican-controlled House to extend Bush-era tax cuts for households making $250,000 or less while letting lower rates on wealthier taxpayers expire and go up. The Democratic-controlled Senate narrowly passed such a measure earlier in the week, but the House is not expected to follow suit.

“Instead of doing what’s right for middle-class families and small-business owners, Republicans in Congress are holding these tax cuts hostage until we extend tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans,” Obama said.

Responding on behalf of the congressional GOP, Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said Obama’s plan would do more harm to the economy and criticized him with almost identical language. He called for extending current tax rates for all taxpayers and spending 2013 overhauling and simplifying the tax code.

“Raising taxes as our economy continues to struggle is not a solution, and the majority of Americans and businesses understand that,” Hatch said. “The president and his Washington allies need to stop holding America’s economy hostage in order to raise taxes on those trying to lead our economic recovery.”

Senator Hatch is not raising taxes Sir, its call fairness. Its called restoring those taxes to the rich that they don’t pay cause of the former administration of President Bush. This has put the deficit of this country on the backs of our poor and middle class, while the wealthiest American enjoys the luxury of not paying any or very little of taxes.

It’s not raising taxes; it’s making everyone pay their fair share of taxes.