
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Massachusetts Tea Party Unhappy With State Republican Party

A recent report has been released that a recent meeting with local tea party groups in Massachusetts show that Tea Party members, is not happy with their state Republican Party.

At a meeting for the Leicester/Holden/Paxton/Rutland Tea Party group, grassroots leaders accused the Massachusetts GOP of being "too moderate" and "too elite," according to a report from GoLocalWorcester.

The state's GOP leaders are a bunch of "country club Republicans," said Jim McGrath, co-chairman of the LPRH Tea Party.

Another local conservative activist, Dana George Reed, characterized the party in an interview with the local Worcester website as "moderate to liberal," which, of course, is a derogatory statement in the right-wing activist world.

This is another sign that the Tea Party wants to take over leadership and government. Tea Party leadership and representation has stalled many actions for progress in this country. Let the people decide.