
Friday, July 13, 2012

Poll show Vulnerability For Eric Cantor’s Re-election Bid

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor

New polling from Virginia’s 7th Congressional District surprises many, one of the more reliably conservative districts in the country, shows surprising vulnerabilities for Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, especially on the issue of women’s health according to ThinkProgress.

In a poll  from Harrison Hickman obtained exclusively by ThinkProgress, voters say they would support a pro-choice candidate over a candidate who is pro-life by an unexpectedly large margin, 68 percent to 23 percent.

The poll also calls into question Republicans’ scorched earth policy when it comes to working with the Obama administration. Fifty nine percent of voters say they would support a candidate who works with President Obama some of the time compared to just 32 percent of respondents who say they would vote for the candidate who opposes virtually everything proposed by the White House, as Cantor and the rest of the GOP have insisted upon for much of Obama’s first term.

When asked about Cantor specifically, voters disapprove of his handling of government spending, health care and reigning in the budget deficit in Washington.

For the house majority leader 43 percent of voters say they would replace Eric Cantor compared to just 41 percent who would reelect him. Cantor is running against Democratic Wayne Powell, a 30-year army veteran and moderate Democrat.  

This is a sample of how fed up the American people are, you also must know that Eric Cantor is bought and paid for by big business, corporations, and special interest groups. Eric Cantor has lead the house republicans to vote 33 times to repeal the “Affordable Care Act” known as Obamacare. Eric Cantor also championed the plan of fellow republican Paul Ryan idea to privatize Medicare.  

Eric Cantor is just another rubber stamp politician for the select few.