
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Alabama Governor Bently Calls on Mitt Romney to Release more documents

Mitt Romney Is Ignoring His GOP Party!

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, spoke in an interview with ABC News on yesterday, called on presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney to release his tax returns in order to show voters that he has "nothing to hide."

Alabama Gov. Robert Bently- R

 "I just believe in total transparency," Bentley told ABC News at the National Governors Association conference. "In fact, I was asked today that question - do you think that Governor Romney should release his tax returns? And I said I do. I said, I release my tax returns. I may be the only public official in Alabama that does, but I release mine every year and I just believe that people should release their tax returns. And if you get them out and just get past that, it just makes it so much easier."

Earlier this year, Romney released his 2010 tax documents and his estimated returns for 2011, but so far he has declined to offer disclosures for additional years and has indicated he is unlikely to do so. Democrats have pounced on Romney for what they see as a lack of transparency.

The Republican governor, who voted for Rick Santorum over Romney in his state's presidential primary, added: "I think that it's always easier just to say, hey I'm releasing everything, and just get it out there and then get past it."

This is another sign that in his own party, GOP officials feel that more tax documents should be released. Mitt Romney is ignoring his party thus far and insists that he will not release any more documents, that he has released enough where the American people could know about his finances he said on a interview with CNN.