With less mainstream media coverage of Birmingham local municipal elections, who is left to drive the voters to the polls on election day? Will it be the talk show hosts like Frank Matthews, Shelia Smoot, DJ Woo, Gary Richardson, Ron January, Bob Freidman and etc., or would it be the voters that has concerns with whom is running as a candidate seeking to bring change?
As I have travel throughout Birmingham nine districts over the past few weeks, the voters are talking more so making opinions about the candidates and the change that the Magic City needs. Some is saying that Birmingham has lost it's "MAGIC", has it really? The voters and citizens are crying out about the poor leadership, corruptions charges of the current mayor and the lack of ideas to move Birmingham forward.
Here is a break down of the feed back that I am getting from the voters and constituents throughout the nine districts in Birmingham.
District 1 - In District 1 many of the voters in District 1 is highly upset with the leadership of the incumbent Joel Montgomery, many believe that he is out of touch with the neighborhoods and the entire district except his consignment shop on Center point Parkway. Oh you'll don't let me mention Mrs. LaShunda Scales a returning challenger who was defeated four years ago by the incubment, they hate this woman out there, many believe that she is making false promises and running of photo opts with Magic Johnson. I even heard some say that she just don't connect with the community. Oh, this past couple of days Roderick "Coach" Jackson, oh my - their opinions about this guy if off the chain ---lol. One voter told me that he is running again this year just because of a lawsuit he filed against the school system as a coach, which he thinks that makes him qualified to be elected, this is interested. Now here is a little bit of news, Mrs. Betty Cannon Corna have anyone heard of this woman from out there in nowhere, oh somewhere in District 1? Voters believe she entered the race to split the white votes with Montgomery the incumbent. When I listen to hear speak at forums she sounds great but no real agenda for the District, so that kinda scares me too if she's elected. However I haven't heard much of harsh opinions about Brandon McCray, Chris Cummings.These guys are making some noise touting change. The voters seems to like the fresh new look of a young business owner of Brandon McCray. Chris Cumming is making his second run for this same office.
District 1 School Board race - Keith Rice a candidate for school board asks a question why not now? He contends that the voters should elect him now to the school board. The voters in District one believes that Rice does to much work under the table and not a honest man. Tyrone Beltcher an older candidate says his record speaks for him, and the voters should allow him a chance to serve them. However the voters are saying in district 1 that Mr. Beltcher is to old, they are looking for young energized blood. Look out Keith.
District 2 - Well this race got a little bit interesting between incumbent Carol Duncan and Kim Rafferty. Many of the voters believe that Duncan has turned her back on the district especially out near 280 where none of those children attend school in Birmingham. The voters believes that Kim Rafferty is after Carol because of her firing when she was Carol administrative assistant, what was that all about - I don't know? Voters are also giving good opinions about Pastor Lawerence Conaway. They believe that he would bring christian values to the table and restore a district that is broken. Don't count Rolanda Hollis out she has received the endorsement of Birmingham former mayor Richard Arrington and the NJCCC. Also Al Rutledge and Yawntershia Coleman is making some noise, Rutledge claims its the same ole same ole, and Coleman is trying to push the young voters and saids its time for more small and retail businesses.
District 3 - Howard Bayless is giving Valerie Abbott a run for her money in this race, both candidates has done a great job in raising campaign cash. The difference in this race is that Bayless believes it time for change on the city council, and Abbott believes in the status quo. Don't forget about little Wil Taylor Jones a 21 year old who making some noise, this young man has a great message about crime, public safety and connecting the district. Bayless is expected to do very well in the south side gay community, Abbott is pushing hard to bring out the African American votes in her favor.
District 4- Parker, Agee, Lumpkin and Walker to square off on Tuesday. I personally believe that Parker is a humble servant on the City Council, she's quiet and she never engage in the bickering on that City Council downtown. I admire her for that. However her challengers says she is not doing enough in her first term as councilwoman, that the district needs more work.
The voters out there in District 4 has great opinions about Maxine Parker, so I believe she will retain her council seat on the council for another four year term.
District 5- Hendricks, Austin, Davis, Floyd and Williams all says it's time for a change in District 5 and the Birmingham City Council. Let's begin with Hendricks, who is seeking to return to the city council and is touting his experience in his pass tenure on the council. Jonathan Austin says the voters should keep him on the council so he can get more done for district 5. What I can say about this guy is that he is nothing but a yes man and rubber stamp for anything. just pay attention to Austin watch the meetings, and you would see him nodding yes to everything. Brandon Davis a newcomer to politics making his first bid for public office, he is pushing a pro business agenda for district 5 downtown area. Floyd who is a neighborhood president says he will bring change to district 5 and the city council, she just wants the residents of the district 5 to give her a chance. Let's watch out for Mr. Charlie Williams which every neighborhood presidents voted number one to fill the vacant seat left open by William Bell to serve on the County Commission. Williams is believe to be pushed into a run-off with Hendricks. The voters in District 5 in liking Williams getting good opinions also they are betting on Hendricks over Austin a sitting Councilman.
District 5 School Board Race - Emaunel Ford and Dannetta Owens is pushing for 1st place. No run-off will be in this race winner takes all on Tuesday. Ford is upset with the current status at the City School Board of Education and Owens who is 70 years old says that she is doing a great job and she should stay on the job.
District 6 - Tyson is taking on incumbent and Council President Carole Smitherman. Tyson is pushing the issues that Smitherman is out of touch and that District 6 zip code of 35211 is one of the most dangerous in America. Smitherman is touting that she is doing a great job to get the district to were it needs to be. I haven't heard much about the other candidates in the race, however they haven't showed up to any of the forums that I attended at least. The voters are liking the approach of Sheila Tyson, I expect a runoff to be held between Smitherman and Tyson.
District 6 - School Board race Antwon Womack hits the news with reports of falsifying information to make himself look good. Birmingham news broke the story today and Womack held a press conference at City Hall Downtown at noon to say he is not dropping out the race and the allegations should not be talked about anymore. He admits that he did something wrong but he is asking for forgiveness. Womack is facing Gwendolyn Bell, incumbent Willie Maye and Philemon Hill on Tuesday, let's see how far Womack make it.
District 7 - the late councilwoman Miram Weatherspoon past away while in office early this year, leaving a vacant council seat to fill with a table of full of candidates but on two will advance to a run-off and then one will take all. I will not comment on all candidates in this race its so many. Jay Roberson a candidate to replace Weatherspoon is seen as the front runner in this race, but watch out for Mrs. Ernestine Williams also a second time challenger.
District 8 - Incumbent Steven Hoyt a minister, is seeking another term to represent district 8. He is being challenged by two time candidate Gerri Robinson. Hoyt is expected to take this race its only two candidates, so only one will take it all come Tuesday.
District 9 - This is another district that is crowded and hot, so many challengers has qualified to take on the incumbent Roderick Royal. The voters in this district is really dis-satisfied with Royal. William Barnes is making his second run a more progressive run this time around, also Leroy Bandy is making another run. Another candidate running is James Williams who has also received the endorsement of the former mayor Richard Arrington and the NJCCC, will this endorsement really help Williams on Tuesday. Well we shall see, keep your eyes on this race. Because it is surely one that is headed to an runoff.
Keep checking back to the Political Beacon for more information and coverage of the upcoming elections on Tuesday, August 25, 2009. Be sure to get out and vote, also encourage your neighbors, family and friends to cast that most important right of their lives and that's voting. It has been a pleasure to travel around Birmingham and report back to you on the happenings around town.
Email me if you have comments about this article and I will respond as soon as possible.