The law in Alabama according to Section 17-15-2, Code of Alabama does state that all campaign material must include a disclaimer. Mr. Jonathan Saxton of District 1 filed the complaint on Friday afternoon with the Secretary of State and Attorney General Office.
I am wondering what LaShunda is thinking. Because all candidates have to abide by the same law as others do. And I agree with Mr. Saxton, that it’s not fair to any other candidate that have to invest and publish campaign material and include a political disclaimer and she don’t. She is not above the law and the law doesn’t give you favors just because you are running against Joel Montgomery.
The photo in the story provided by the complaint filer, shows for itself that no political disclaimer is added to this published and printed campaign yard sign. Now how are you going to argue this Mrs. Scales. That you forgotten and didn’t notice or that Magic Johnson paid for them and you really didn’t have a choice but to use them. In case you’ll didn’t know Magic Johnson is the first to come out of Scales mouth and the Burger King restaurants, however I don’t see what it has done for Birmingham or City Council District 1 as she proclaims. This race is getting interested.