In the Birmingham news today one voter and resident says the mayor has two faces, one in the back of his head and the one in the front that God gave him. He just doesn’t know which one he wants to use. I can tell you why Mr. Hardy because he is confused. These are the mayor words - "I ain't putting out no ballot. Vote for whoever you want to vote for," he said Tuesday. "You've seen the last two years; make up your own mind."
Some of Birmingham residents and voters may see Langford endorsement as a great choice, but it also shows Birmingham and the world that’s watching the “MAGIC City” politics and leadership, that his endorsed candidates will be a rubber stamp for an indicted mayor of corruption policy and agendas.
Birmingham wake up and once again smell the coffee. Remember the sayings you are guilty by your associations. Look at these candidates look at whom endorsed them, take a good look at who is supporting their campaigns and contributing big money. Your voice as an average citizen of this city is not being heard but overlooked. The special interest comes first and you will always be last. In order for you to change that type of leadership you need to push the vote and get to the polls and vote for a candidate that has your interest at heart.
Langford calls himself downgrading Councilman Steven Hoyt the incumbent in District 8 and endorsing his challenger Gerri Robinson who is happy to receive Langford endorsement. Well Hoyt you heard it from me, you are doing a great job, and you always stand up against this indicted and corrupt mayor that has two faces.
Birmingham let’s not go backward! Remember this Let’s Do Something – Let’s clean city hall up and out and bring in trust and accountability.