New Orleans, La. - President Barack Obama, marking the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, said in his weekly address that he will visit New Orleans later this yearNew Orleans lost more than 150,000 residents after the storm, or about one-third of the city's pre-Katrina population. Obama said that strengthening storm infrastructure is a priority, adding an implicit repudiation of FEMA's performance under President Bush: "In Washington, that means a focus on competence and accountability – and I’m proud that my FEMA Administrator has 25 years of experience in disaster management in Florida, a state that has known its share of hurricanes."
About $26 billion in stimulus funds have been set aside for the Gulf Coast States for infrastructure, education, rebuilding efforts according to the White House. Obama has spent the last week vacationing with his family in Martha’s Vineyard—a visit book-ended by two Atlantic storms, as this year's hurricane season continues.
President Obama all we want you to do for this poor city is help them get back where there was, but much better than the past. Rebuild the torn down communities and restore the jobs for the people, so they can say this is my home once again.