
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Get out to vote it’s your right, it’s your representation

Municipal elections will be held in Birmingham, Mobile and Tuscaloosa , AL on Tuesday, August 25, 2009. Polls will open from 7am until 7pm. It’s your right to cast a vote for your choice of representation at city hall where you live. It’s very important for you as registered voters to exercise your right to vote. In other for you to demand change it starts at the ballot box.

We can’t afford to remain at the status quo in a time of crisis all around this country. Our country, states, counties and local cities are in great need of change and honest leadership. We need leadership that is going to be open, honest, transparent, and building bridges over barrels.
Before you head to the polls, pleased review your candidates and their ideas, agendas and plans for the next four years. For all the incumbents review their record and see what has they done to benefit you and your community. And make your choice, for we know actions speaks louder than words.

Please go out to the polls and vote this Tuesday August 25, 2009 from 7am-7pm.