
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What’s wrong with Langford? He just don’t get it do he

On today attorneys for Birmingham indicted mayor Larry Langford has filed a motion with the federal court to delay his trial and for a change of venue, for what?

The trial is scheduled to start Aug. 31. Langford is asking the case be moved from Birmingham to the Tuscaloosa area. Langford's lawyers cite extensive publicity surrounding the case, "almost entirely negative to the defense." In asking for a delay in the trial's start, a filing this afternoon says, Langford is recovering from surgery on his throat, vocal chords and teeth.

This what's gets me, is that this guy wants to delay his trial for what he calls major surgery I guess. His teeth, throat and vocal chords wasn't hurting yesterday at city hall council meeting, when he cursed the media out about being in his personal business. Well Mr. Mayor your business isn’t so personal no more, you must forget that you are under federal indictment and you are sitting in an elected position. You also thought it was private when you was making bad private deals. Who do you think you are Larry? It is the duty of the media to bring local coverage to the person that’s why they exist. If it wasn’t for corrupt activity like your Larry then this wouldn’t have to be publish in the media day after day.

I wonder why this man will not resign as mayor and move on with his legal troubles. This city is hurting because of this man, the media clout that is focused on this legal mess. When will you let this city move forward Larry no more Mr. Mayor. It’s a disgrace to call you mayor; after all you have done and put this city and county through.

When will you wake up and smell the coffee, the mayor you were looking for to resign yesterday is you Sir, and we are still waiting. Let Birmingham moved forward. Two former co-defendants, Montgomery investment banker William Blount, who entered a guilty plea in the case on Tuesday, and lobbyist Al LaPierre, both have pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate in the case against Langford.