In District 2 – The voters passed up Lawrence Conaway over Carol Duncan, oh my Conaway really had some great ideas as a pastor and leader. So now the people of district 2 wants to see Duncan the incumbent and her former assistant Kim Rafferty fight it out in a run-off. It’s really time for this city to move forward. I really believe this city and the people of this city like this corrupt and nasty politics these people are offering. It makes me wonder where these people minds and thoughts are, or do they really care?
In District 3 – Oh my, this is a disgrace; Abbott deprived the black voters to turn out in her favor once again just to win this seat again. But she is doing very little for the black communities and neighborhoods out there in the district just drive up and down Georgia Road and you will see what I am talking about. Howard Bayless had a chance in winning that seat and if the black voters didn’t turn out for Abbott then he would have won that seat. I was hoping that Wil Taylor Jones could have picked up more support than he did, this young man is awesome and also offered great ideas for his district, and he was on point. Hold on Wil your time is coming man don’t give up.
In District 4 – Maxine Parker was a great choice, but there was a second great choice in this race and that was Ernest Lumpkin. He too also offered great ideas and plans. I am glad that they didn’t elect Robert Walker….lol oh my God thank you.
District 5 – Well Jonathan Austin needs to go, he has proven to be a rubber stamp guy. I was hoping that Charlie Williams and Elias Hendricks could have been in a run off. Charlie Williams would have made a great councilman for District 5.
District 6 – Oh this was a show down between Carol Smitherman and Shelia Tyson and both are now headed to a runoff. However Shelia Tyson would do for the district I believe than Smitherman that is not doing anything but trying to make political friendship to become mayor one day.
District 7 – In this district it was an open seat and the two I thought should have been in a run-off made it. James (Jay) Roberson and Ernestine Guest Williams. Both would make good council members.
District 8 – Good for you indicted Mayor Larry Langford your endorsement didn’t work here. Langford was pulling for Gerri Robinson a two time challenger of incumbent Steven Hoyt. Hoyt was re-elected by the people of District 8 for a second term. Hoyt stands up to the people when comes down to business of the city and Larry Langford just don’t like Steven Hoyt.
District 9 – Incumbent Roderick Royal is now in a run-off once again with his former challenger Leroy Bandy. I thought William Barnes would have gotten a chance to serve this district; he failed again on his second run for this seat. I personally think Royal needs to go.
After all this entire city has been through and continue to go through, the people of this city still like it. They have really shown themselves to not want change. Only 27,000 some people went out to the polls to vote out of the 115,000 people who are registered to vote in this city. That’s a shame! Change want come to this city until the people change.
After all this entire city has been through and continue to go through, the people of this city still like it. They have really shown themselves to not want change. Only 27,000 some people went out to the polls to vote out of the 115,000 people who are registered to vote in this city. That’s a shame! Change want come to this city until the people change.