Should pastors encourage members to vote without making an endorsement from the pulpit?
Simply yes! Because I believe that there is power in the pulpit as the leader of the congregations. People seem to take their pastors serious on many issues whether it’s the word of God or politics that affect our lives everyday.
If more of our pastors would take a stand from the pulpit and stop being bias and bullies, then more of our people would get out to the polls and vote. I don’t encourage pastors to endorse a candidate from the pulpit, but I encourage them to encourage their congregations to participate in the voting process because elections do matter and they are very important.
If we had more Christian participation in our elections, such as prayer and Christian political forums to get a more in-depth view of these candidates and their Christian views then I believe the people of this country would become more inform about who they are electing to public office and maybe the candidates will be held more accountable for their actions while they are in public office.
If we don’t get the support from our pastors, then we will never get the people to the polls in large numbers to make important decisions in local, state and national elections. Pastors need to take a stand. And this will not be a violation of the “Separation of Church and State Law”; at least I don’t believe, by just asking your congregation to vote.